Published July 21, 2017
| Version v1
Journal article
A new taxonomic treatment for the apogamous counterpart of Pteris terminalis (Pteridaceae)
- 1. Department of Botany, National Museum of Nature and Science, 4-1-1 Amakubo, Tsukuba 305-0005, Japan
- 2. Narahashi 1-363, Higashiyamato-shi, Tokyo 207-0031, Japan
- 3. Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Kasetsart University, 50 Ngamwongwan Rd., Ladyao, Jatujak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand
Ebihara, Atsushi, Nakato, Narumi, Jaruwattanaphan, Tassanai (2017): A new taxonomic treatment for the apogamous counterpart of Pteris terminalis (Pteridaceae). Phytotaxa 314 (1): 73-80, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.314.1.5, URL:
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