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Published July 6, 2024 | Version 2
Project deliverable Open

NATAE Living Lab guidelines. Version 1.0

  • 1. Wageningen University & Research
  • 2. ROR icon International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies
  • 3. ROR icon Institut National Agronomique de Tunisie
  • 4. Centre d'Action et de Réalisations Internationales (CARI)
  • 5. ROR icon École Nationale d'Agriculture de Meknès
  • 6. GRDR
  • 7. El-Arghoub
  • 8. ROR icon Centre de Recherche en Économie Appliquée pour le Développement
  • 9. ROR icon École Nationale Supérieure d'Agriculture
  • 10. ROR icon International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
  • 11. ROR icon Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research
  • 12. University of Thessaly
  • 13. Cairo University Faculty of Agriculture


This document provides a starting point for the organization of NATAE Living Labs (LL) in North  Africa. NATAE Living Labs provide an innovative governance structure for agricultural research  and agricultural systems to identify, test, adapt and scale-up combinations of agroecological  practices (AEP) in an uncertain and complex real-life context. In Chapter 1, an introduction is presented regarding the context, aim and target audience of this  document. An introduction to the concept of Living Labs is presented in Chapter 2. Chapter 3 proposes a methodology to set-up, run and monitor Living Labs in the context of NATAE. In  NATAE, we intend to evolve from a provider-driven Living Lab, where activities are primarily  organized by researchers, to a user-driven Living Lab where activities are primarily organized by  local actors. A combination of individual-centric, system-centric and network-centric approaches  will be employed to capture different stakeholder perspectives at different levels in the Living  Lab. Stakeholder activities for identifying, testing and scaling-up AEP combinations are detailed in  Chapters 4 and 5. At first, activities with an emphasis on describing and explaining the system  will be implemented: a territorial diagnosis, a farm household characterization, and value chain  assessments, current policy evaluations, and diverse activities organized around the launch of  the Living Labs. Subsequently, stakeholder activities will gradually put more emphasis on  exploring and re-designing the system: participatory visioning and backcasting exercises, codesign of experiments to test promising combinations of agroecological practices (AEPs), which  include amongst others new organizational and institutional arrangements, innovative business  models, new ways to share knowledge, and co-design of policy options.  The Living Lab guidelines are a living document as they adapt to the real-life context of LL and  the NATAE project. The approach will, therefore, continually be revised based on input from  project partners and LL-stakeholders.

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D4.1 deliverable - Working Package 4


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NATAE – Fostering agroecology transition in North Africa through multi-actor, evaluation, and networking 101084647
European Commission