Published September 4, 2024 | Version v1
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Elimination of dead layer in silicon particle detectors via induced electric field based charge collection


Measurement data for article "Elimination of dead layer in silicon particle detectors via induced electric field based charge collection" published in Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research - section A. Files are named according to which figures they correspond to in the article. Data contained in each file is described more specifically below.

Figure 2a contains C-V (capacitance-voltage) and 1/C^2 data measured from the detector. First row describes the name of the measured parameter and the second row describes its unit.

Figure 2bIV contains I-V (curent-voltage) data measured from the detector. Measured current was divided by the surface area of the detector (4.523 cm^2) to obtain the leakage current density. First row describes the name of the measured parameter and the second row describes its unit.

Figure 2bPL contains data for lifetime calibrated photoluminescense map. Each point in the map is defined by ROW and COLUMN number. The values of the map describe minority charge carrier lifetime given in microseconds.

Figure3 contains data for internal quantum efficiency (IQE) as a function of penetration depth of illumination and wavelength of illumination measured from the detector. First row describes the name of the measured parameter and the second row describes its unit.

Figure 4a contains data for energy spectrum measured with the detector using -25 V voltage bias and alpha particle emitting Pu-238 as the source. First row describes the name of the measured parameter and its unit. While the data set contains measured energies from 0 to ~8000 keV, the figure used in the article is limited between energies of ~5300 and 5600 keV for clarity.

Figure 4b contains pulse height spectra measured with the detector using voltage biases of -5, -10, -25 and -70V and alpha particle emitting Pu-238 as the source. First row describes the name of the measured parameter and its unit. While the data set contains measured channels from 0 to ~5000, the figure used in the article is limited between channels 2600 and 2900 for clarity.



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Publication: 10.1016/j.nima.2024.170064 (DOI)


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