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Published September 4, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

WP3A4. Open Access Educational Materials for Academic Staff

  • 1. ROR icon University of Tartu
  • 2. ROR icon University of Latvia
  • 3. Web2Learn
  • 4. ROR icon Kaunas University of Technology
  • 5. ROR icon Tallinn University
  • 6. ROR icon Lviv Polytechnic National University


This document provides open-access educational materials aimed at enhancing citizen engagement, drawing on the experiences of the Baltics4UA partners. Through practical case studies, this document showcases different methods of integrating citizen engagement into the classroom, such as workshop for academic staff, experience café, world café, hackathon, art event, youth debate tournament. These case studies present successful formats and offer insightful reflections on organizing citizen engagement activities. These formats are designed to increase citizen engagement, particularly in responding to humanitarian crises, such as the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February 2022.


Open access educational materials for academic staff.docx.pdf

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