Published September 2, 2024
| Version v1
Export taxes from Solleder (2013) and Solleder (2020)
This dataset contains the Panel Export Tax (PET) dataset introduced by Solleder (2013) and its extension, which is used in Solleder (2020). Export taxes were collected from official sources.
The dta file can be opened with STATA 14 or above. The csv file is a comma-separated value file. The separator is ',', and the first row is variable names. The content is the same in both files. Variables are:
- exporter: ISO 3166 3-character country codes, string;
- commoditycode: product 6-digit HS codes in HS revision 1992 (H0), numeric;
- Value: export tax rate in %, numeric;
- year: year, numeric;
- partial: dummy variable, set to 1 if tax is partial (i.e. not all national tariff lines under the 6-digit HS code are affected), numeric;
- specific: dummy variable, set to 1 if tax is specific (Value contains then the ad valorem equivalent of the tax, see Solleder (2013) for details, numeric;
- origin: contains "PET" if the row comes from the original PET dataset (Solleder, 2013) or "Extention" if it comes from Solleder (2020), string.
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