Lissocnemis brevipennis
- 1. Department of Bio Environment Health, Dongnam Health University, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16328 Korea
- 2. Department of Biological Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji, Tokyo, 192 - 0397 Japan & Research Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Inc., Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 158 - 0098 Japan
- 3. Department of Biology, Utah State University, Logan, UT, 84322 - 5305 USA.
Lissocnemis brevipennis (Cameron, 1902)
Figs 4–5
Salius brevipennis Cameron, 1902: 81, ♀♀ (syntypes), India: N. Khasi [NHML].
Lissocnemis brevipennis (Cameron) – Matsumoto et al. 2018: 95–98, ♀, ♂, Japan: Okayama, Hyogo and Osaka Prefectures [NMNS].
This species is distinctive in having the following features: female body largely black, anterior face of head and a few apical metasomal segments with golden pubescence (Fig. 4A–B); antenna except apically, legs, and a few apical metasomal segments reddish brown; wings dark brown with an oval clear spot in FW discal cell 1 basally (Fig. 4A); male body largely black and covered with conspicuous long white pubescence; all legs mostly reddish brown (Fig. 4H); upper frons with a pair of oblique or arcuate ridge lines (Fig. 4E); and subgenital plate with a pair of deep oval depressions subbasally (Fig. 5A).
Material examined
INDONESIA • 1 ♀; Bali Island; Feb. 1997; NMNS.
JAPAN • 1 ♀; Okura Seashore, Nishiguchi, Nokazaki, Akashi, Hyogo Pref.; 14 Oct. 2017; H. Fukushima leg.; NMNS • 1 ♂; same data as for preceding; NMNS.
SOUTH KOREA • 5 ♂♂; Nature Environ. Res. Park, Bukbang-myeon, Hongcheon-gun, GW; 30 Jun.–11 Jul. 2011; J.K. Kim leg.; Malaise trap; DHU • 1 ♂; Halla Botanical Garden, Yeon-dong, JJ; 33°28′.13.60″ N, 126°29′37.45″ E, JJ; 22 Jul.–6. Aug. 2017; J.K. Kim leg.; Malaise trap; DHU • 1 ♂; Geumoreum, Geumak-ri, Hanlim-eup, JJ; 33°24′.17.13″ N, 126°18′20.00″ E; 23 Jul.–13 Aug. 2017; J.K. Kim leg.; Malaise trap; DHU.
VIETNAM • 1 ♀; Ninh Binh Pr., Cuc Phouong Park; 18 Jul. 2010; H. Kurokawa leg.; NMNS.
Female (based on Indonesian and Japanese specimens)
MEASUREMENTS. Length: body 13.8–17.5 mm; FW 10.7–11.6 mm.
COLOURATION. Body largely black. Following orange (Fig. 4A–B): interantennal tubercle, clypeus apically (apical rim dark rufous), labrum, mandible (black basally, dark rufous apically), labiomaxillary complex apically and its palpi, antenna (becoming darker or black apically), all legs (tarsomere 5 darkened), and metasomal segments 4 (apically) to 6. FW deeply infuscate (Fig. 4A). HW weakly infuscate, basal half of basal cell and subbasal cell translucent.
PUBESCENCE AND SETAE. Head, propleuron ventrally, mesosternum posteriorly, legs, T3 medially, T4–6, and S2–6 with appressed, orange to golden pubescence, that on head anteriorly, mesosternum, coxae, and metasomal segments 4–6 being longer and denser than pubescence on other parts. Mesosoma dorsally and laterally, T1–2, and T3 except medially with short, appressed, reddish-brown pubescence. Scutellum and metanotum lateral to their discs with patch of long silvery pubescence. Frons, vertex, gena, labrum, mandible, propleuron, mesosternum, coxae, T6, and metasomal sterna with fine, paleyellow setae. Pro-, meso-, and metanota dorsally and T1 with short, coppery setae. Propodeum with long, dense, coppery setae laterally.
INTEGUMENTAL SCULPTURE. Head and thorax with minute dense punctures, these on head being mostly covered with pubescence. In addition to these punctures, larger punctures scattered on thorax dorsally and laterally. Metanotum with a few oblique striae laterally. Metapostnotum with a few transverse striae and median deep depression. Propodeum with transverse rugulae, these becoming coarser and stronger posteriorly (Fig. 4C); dorsum with median ridge line interrupted by transverse rugulae; declivity with median vague groove.
HEAD. 1.2 × as broad as high. Vertex moderately convex above level of eye tops. Frontal sulcus deeply impressed below, evanescent above. Inner orbits slightly emarginate above middle (Fig. 4B), slightly divergent below, LID 1.1–1.2 × UID. Antennocular line moderately inclined. Supra-antennal tubercle, in dorsal view, strongly produced anteriorly, pentagon-shaped. POD:OOD:OOcD=1:1–1.1:1.6–2.2. Ocellar triangle acute-angled; anterior ocellus larger than posterior ocelli; area anterior to anterior ocellus and that posterolateral to posterior ocellus more or less depressed. Clypeus transverse, 2.3–2.4 × as broad as long, slightly broader than LID, slightly convex; apical rim not depressed, narrowly impunctate and polished; apicolateral corner broadly rounded; apical margin barely concave medially. Labrum well exposed, gently convex apically. Malar space very short and linear. Gena, in dorsal view, rather strongly receding posteriorly but not very thin, in profile, 0.22–0.27 × as broad as eye medially, broader below than above. Scape slightly curved outward; scape:pedicel:Fl1:Fl2=1.0–1.1:0.25–0.29:1:1.2–1.3; Fl1 2.9–3.3 × as long as broad, 0.71–0.83 × UID; Fl11 3.0–3.1 × as long as broad, 1.2–1.3 × as long as Fl10.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum with declivity almost vertical; dorsum rather flattened longitudinally, in dorsal view, gently narrowing anteriorly; posterior margin arcuate but subangulate medially. Mesoscutum not reflexed but slightly and narrowly raised posterolaterally with parapsidal sulcus deeply impressed, divergent anteriorly. Disc of scutellum slightly raised above level of mesoscutum; scutellum lateral to disc steeply sloped. Metapostnotum slightly depressed, 0.22–0.25 × as long as metanotum at midline (Fig.4C). Propodeal dorsum rather flattened medially with lateral margins slightly convergent posteriorly (Fig. 4C); declivity as long as dorsum, flattened but not delimited from dorsum.
WINGS (Fig. 4A). Marginal cell distanced from wing tip by 0.55–0.59 × its own length. SMC2:SMC3= 1: 0.63–0.92 on vein Rs, 1:0.96–1.2 on vein M; SMC2 0.47–0.52 × as high as long, narrowed on vein Rs by 0.76–0.81 × its own length on vein M, receiving cross-vein 1m-cu at its basal 0.55–0.59; SMC3 0.60–0.69 × as high as long, narrowed on vein Rs by 0.53–0.62 × its own length on vein M, receiving cross-vein 2m-cu at its basal 0.47–0.55, distanced from outer wing margin by 1.2–1.3 × its own length. Crossvein cu-a originating distally to point of separation of vein M + CuA by more than its own length, almost vertical to vein A. HW cross-vein rs-m slightly sinuate; cross-vein cu-a originating slightly posteriorly to separation of vein M+CuA.
LEGS. Mid and hind tibiae with several short spines laterally and dorsally. Hind tibia without longitudinal groove along upper margin of inner brush. Longer spur of hind tibia 0.44–0.56 × as long as hind tarsomere 1. Tarsal claws bifid, inner ray much thicker than outer ray, pointed apically.
METASOMA. T1 with distinct short petiole and strongly arcuate lateral crease.
Male (based on Korean and Japanese specimens)
MEASUREMENTS. Length: body 8.5–12.5 mm; FW length: 7.3–9.8 mm.
COLOURATION. Body largely black (Fig. 4G–I). Mandible dark rufous apically. T1 below lateral crease and T2–3 lateroventrally often reddish brown. T6 with large ivory white spot apicodorsally. Legs almost entirely reddish brown (Fig. 4G–H), but in two specimens from Jeju Island, mid and hind femora and tibiae mostly black, at most mid tibia basally and inner lower margin of hind femur reddish brown. Wings translucent with brownish tint.
PUBESCENCE AND SETAE. Body, scape, coxae, trochanters, and femora below covered with dense, appressed, silvery white pubescence, that being long and dense on frons below middle, clypeus, mouthparts basally, gena, pronotum laterally and ventrally, scutellum and metapostnotum laterally, metanotal disc, proand mesopleura, lower metapleuron posteriorly, propodeum posterolaterally, and metasomal terga; tibiae and tarsi with sericeous pubescence. Frons, vertex, scape below, gena, pronotum dorsally and lateroventrally, propleuron, upper mesepisternum, propodeum, fore coxa anteriorly, mid and hind coxae above, T1 anteriorly and laterally, T2–6 laterally, and S2–6 with long, erect, silvery white to grey setae. Labrum apically and mandible with light brown setae.
INTEGUMENTAL SCULPTURE. Frons regularly and densely punctate, almost punctate-reticulate. Vertex with punctures irregular in size and spacing, some of them much larger than those on frons. Clypeus with fine and dense punctures smaller than those on frons. Labrum, pronotum, mesoscutum, and mesepisternum scattered with large punctures, together with small, dense punctures. Scutellum and metanotum punctate-reticulate. Metapleuron and metasomal terga polished and minutely punctate, scattered with larger punctures. Propodeum transversely rugulose and punctate-reticulate with narrow or broad median groove, that being interrupted by transverse rugulae.
HEAD. 1.2–1.3 × as broad as high. Vertex (Fig. 4E) strongly convex above level of eye tops, chevron-shaped. Upper frons with a pair of oblique or arcuate ridge lines, these, in some specimens, being not distinctly raised but merely impunctate smooth lines. Frontal sulcus usually indistinct, at most shortly impressed below. Antennocular line strongly inclined; supra-antennal tubercle, in dorsal view, strongly produced, trapezoid. Inner orbits (Fig. 4E) slightly emarginate above middle, distinctly divergent above. UID 1.2–1.3× LID. POD:OOD:OOcD =1:1.3–1.5:1.6–1.9. Ocellar triangle right-angled; anterior ocellus much larger than posterior ocellus. Upper frons shallowly and broadly depressed. Clypeus 2.3–2.6 × as broad as long, slightly convex medially; apical rim narrow, slightly depressed; apical margin slightly concave. Scape barely curved outward, triangularly produced apicomedially. Scape:pedicel:F1:F2=1.2– 1.4:0.36–0.52:1:1.0–1.1; Fl1 1.6–1.8 × as long as broad; Fl11 2.0–2.2 × as long as broad, 1.2–1.3 × as long as Fl10. Gena, in dorsal view, rather strongly receding posteriorly but thicker than in female, in profile, 2.6–3.3 × as broad as eye medially, of almost same thickness above and below.
MESOSOMA. Pronotum with declivity almost vertical (Fig. 4H), slightly concave, smooth and polished, its juncture with dorsum narrowly rounded; dorsum declivous, in dorsal view, gradually narrowing anteriorly (Fig. 4I); posterior margin subangularly emarginate. Mesoscutum with median longitudinal ridge. Metapostnotum 0.47–0.64 × as long as metanotum at midline, slightly constricted both medially and in front of spiracle, with distinct median triangular smooth depression on its apical two-thirds. Propodeum, in dorsal view, arcuately narrowing posteriorly; dorsum, in lateral view, gently sloped and gradually merging into declivity.
WINGS. Marginal cell distanced from wing tip by 0.55–0.68 × its own length. SMC2:SMC3 =1:0.93–1.2 on vein Rs, 1:1.0–1.1 on vein M; SMC2 0.60–0.66 × as high as long, narrowed on vein Rs by 0.71– 0.76 × its own length on vein M, receiving cross-vein 1m-cu at its basal 0.44–0.52; SMC3 0.64–0.70 × as high as long, narrowed on vein Rs by 0.64–0.69 × its own length on vein M, receiving cross-vein 2m-cu at its basal 0.48–0.58, distanced from outer wing margin by 1.4–1.6 × its own length. Crossvein cu-a originating distally to point of separation of vein M + CuA by slightly less than its own length, slightly oblique to vein A. HW cross-vein cu-a originating slightly posteriorly to separation of vein M+CuA.
METASOMA. Slightly narrower than mesosoma. T1 almost as long as broad, with lateral crease slightly curved unlike in female, almost reaching posterior margin of T1 (Fig. 4F).
SUBGENITAL PLATE AND GENITALIA (Fig. 5). Subgenital plate, in ventral view (Fig. 5A), gradually narrowing toward apex, rounded apically with a pair of deep oval depressions subbasally, leaving median sharp carina, that being low triangular in profile; ventral surface with short setae but bare on lateral and apical margins. Paramere (Fig. 5B) short and stout, not exceeding beyond apex of digitus volsellaris, arcuately emarginate ventrally, wedge-shaped apically with short setae except basally and a few long setae apically; digitus volsellaris broadened apically, plectrum-shaped, much extending beyond apex of aedeagus with dense micropores; parapenial lobe elliptic apically, not extending beyond apex of aedeagus; aedeagus narrowly fusiform.
Turner (1920: 98) stated that “ Lissocnemis must be assigned to the Indian Salius brevipennis, Cam. ”.
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Linked records
Additional details
- Collection code
- Event date
- 2010-07-18 , 2011-06-30 , 2017-07-22 , 2017-07-23 , 2017-10-14
- Family
- Pompilidae
- Genus
- Lissocnemis
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Hymenoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Cameron
- Species
- brevipennis
- Taxon rank
- species
- Verbatim event date
- 2010-07-18 , 2011-06-30/07-11 , 2017-07-22/08-06 , 2017-07-23/08-13 , 2017-10-14
- Taxonomic concept label
- Lissocnemis brevipennis (Cameron, 1902) sec. Kim, Shimizu & Pitts, 2024
- Cameron P. 1902. Descriptions of new species of fossorial Hymenoptera from the Khasia Hills, Assam. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7) 10: 77 - 89. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222930208678635
- Matsumoto R., Miyake H. M., Yamazaki K., Aono T. & Shimizu A. 2018. Discovery of a new, adventive, spider Wasp, Lissocnemis brevipennis, in Japan (Hymenoptera: Pompilidae: Ctenocerinae). Japanese Journal of Systematic Entomology 24: 95 - 98.
- Turner R. E. 1920. On Indo-Chinese Hymenoptera collected by R. Vitalis de Salvaza. IV. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (9) 5: 84 - 98. https: // doi. org / 10.1080 / 00222932008632344