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Published August 29, 2024 | Version v2
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Lubrang Brokpa Lexicon - overview file

  • 1. Bern University


These sound files constitute the elicitation of the lexical entries of the Basic Word List in the Lubrang variety of Brokpa. Lubrang village is a recent (early 20th century) settlement of Brokpa speaker originating in Sakteng village of Bhutan. They left Bhutan due to its heavy taxation of the semi-nomadic Brokpa households and its anti-Gelukpa policies and settled in the then Tibetan-administered area on land belonging to the Khispi people of Lish village, to which they continue to pay an annual tax. Lubrang Brokpa should hence be close to Merak and Sakteng (Bhutan) Brokpa, and not so close to Nyukmadung and Senge Brokpa spoken closer by. Because of the speaker’s paternal background there may be some admixture with Dirang Tshangla.

Bodt, Timotheus Adrianus. 2024. Proto-Western Kho-Bwa: Reconstructing a communities' past through language. Academia Sinica Languages and Linguistics monograph series number 67. Taipei: Academia Sinica.


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Strategische Zielsetzungen im Subkontinent 100015_138331
Swiss National Science Foundation
Reconstruction of Proto-Western Kho-Bwa P2BEP1_181779
Swiss National Science Foundation
Substrate language influence in the southern Himalayas PF20\100076
British Academy