Fractal sampling point nesting
This dataset contains a table showing the nesting of sampling points within the fractal sampling design at the SAFE project and an R code file used to create the nesting from a GIS file of the core sampling locations.
There are five fractal levels across 17 sites: six experimental blocks (A-F), two edge transects (LFE, VJR) and three sets of triplets of sites to sample specific habitats (Old growth: OG1 - 3, Oil palm: OP1 - 3, Twice logged forest: LF1 - 3). Within each site, there are sampling points at five fractal scales with fractal order 1 as the smallest scale and fractal order 5 being the largest scale. This file identifies the child - parent relationships of points across the fractal sampling levels. For more details, see
Project: This dataset was collected as part of the following SAFE research project: SAFE CORE DATA
XML metadata: GEMINI compliant metadata for this dataset is available here
Files: This dataset consists of 2 files: Fractal_point_nesting.xlsx, Nested_fractal_table_maker.R
This file contains dataset metadata and 1 data tables:
Fractal sampling point nesting (described in worksheet Fractal_point_nesting)
Description: This table contains one row for each fractal order 1 sampling point (finest scale) and then identifies the parent sampling points at the higher fractal scales (2-5). Note that not all sites have a central fractal order 5 point.
Number of fields: 9
Number of data rows: 579
- Site: Site ID prefix (Field type: ID)
- Habitat: Focal habitat of sampling site (Field type: Categorical)
- Logging: Logging history of sampling site (Field type: Categorical)
- Frag_Area: Estimated area of fragment (Field type: Numeric)
- FirstOrder: First order fractal point (Field type: Location)
- SecondOrder: Second order fractal parent (Field type: Location)
- ThirdOrder: Third order fractal parent (Field type: Location)
- FourthOrder: Fourth order fractal parent (Field type: Location)
- FifthOrder: Fifth order fractal parent (not applicable for all sites) (Field type: Location)
Description: This R code creates the table stored in Fractal_point_nesting from the SAFE Core sampling stations GIS layer.
Date range: 2010-01-01 to 2020-01-01
Latitudinal extent: 4.6350 to 4.7716
Longitudinal extent: 116.9474 to 117.7031
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