Published August 28, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

Attributes that describe the waste and recycling-related aspects of materials, components and other 3D geometry captured within BIMs (WASTEie)

  • 1. BimBox


  • 1. BimBox


The WASTEie Data Dictionary provides a standardised set of attributes for describing CDW, leveraging existing definitions from the IFC schema and other data dictionaries on bSDD. This open-source dataset is designed to integrate with existing software solutions used by construction professionals, encouraging reuse and recycling while minimising waste generation.

The RECONMATIC project will implement the WASTEie Data Dictionary in several case studies over the next few years to verify its practical usability. The dataset is in 'Preview' mode, signalling ongoing refinement based on practical feedback. Future steps include specifying information requirements using the Information Delivery Specification (IDS) standard and facilitating automated checking processes aligned with openBIM principles.

This report is a deliverable of the RECONMATIC project under Work Package 2. It focuses on technology-assisted CDW waste minimisation and mitigation during the asset lifecycle. The findings and methodologies detailed herein contribute to a robust framework for sustainable construction practices across the European Union.


T2.3 RECONMATIC_Attributes that describe the waste and recycling-related aspects of materials and components (WASTEie).pdf

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Automated solutions for sustainable and circular construction and demolition waste management (RECONMATIC) 10039739
UK Research and Innovation