Published August 27, 2024 | Version,Vol16,Issue8,Article109.pdf
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To Study the Effect of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga and Conventional Physical Exercise on Blood Pressure, Pulse Rate and Quality of Life in Prehypertensive Subjects

  • 1. PhD Scholar, Department of Physiology, SP Medical College, Bikaner Rajasthan, India
  • 2. Senior Professor, Department of Physiology, SP Medical College, Bikaner Rajasthan, India
  • 3. Associate Professor, Department of Pathology, SK Govt Medical College, Sikar, Rajasthan, India
  • 4. Senior Demonstrator, Department of Physiology, SP Medical College, Bikaner Rajasthan, India
  • 5. Medical Officer, Department of Physiology, SP Medical College, Bikaner Rajasthan, India


Adoption of healthy lifestyle by using Sudarshan kriya yoga, meditation and physical exercise interventions in the early course of development of hypertension i.e. in prehypertension stage is useful to prevent emergence of hypertensive cases and improvement of their quality of life. A randomized controlled trial was performed to assess the effect of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) and Physical Exercise (PE) on SBP, DBP, PR and QOL in prehypertensive subjects. In this study 100 prehypertensive subjects of either gender, age group (30-60 years) were divided into SKY and PE groups having 50 subjects in each group at SP Medical College Bikaner. They were undergone regular practices of SKY and PE respectively, one hour daily for the duration of three months. Statistically significant decrease was noted in SBP, DBP, PR and improved QOL score (p<0.001) after three months of regular SKY practices. Physical exercise performed was brisk walking which after three months showed statistically significant decrease in SBP, DBP and PR along with improvement in QOL of the participants. SKY and PE interventions have resulted in decreased blood pressure and pulse rate along with improved quality of life. This is indicative of autonomic nervous system balance with increased parasympathetic activity, sympathetic inhibition and improvement of many systemic functions so they can be applied as a mass approach for prevention & control of hypertension and improvement of quality of life.




Abstract (English)

Adoption of healthy lifestyle by using Sudarshan kriya yoga, meditation and physical exercise interventions in the early course of development of hypertension i.e. in prehypertension stage is useful to prevent emergence of hypertensive cases and improvement of their quality of life. A randomized controlled trial was performed to assess the effect of Sudarshan Kriya Yoga (SKY) and Physical Exercise (PE) on SBP, DBP, PR and QOL in prehypertensive subjects. In this study 100 prehypertensive subjects of either gender, age group (30-60 years) were divided into SKY and PE groups having 50 subjects in each group at SP Medical College Bikaner. They were undergone regular practices of SKY and PE respectively, one hour daily for the duration of three months. Statistically significant decrease was noted in SBP, DBP, PR and improved QOL score (p<0.001) after three months of regular SKY practices. Physical exercise performed was brisk walking which after three months showed statistically significant decrease in SBP, DBP and PR along with improvement in QOL of the participants. SKY and PE interventions have resulted in decreased blood pressure and pulse rate along with improved quality of life. This is indicative of autonomic nervous system balance with increased parasympathetic activity, sympathetic inhibition and improvement of many systemic functions so they can be applied as a mass approach for prevention & control of hypertension and improvement of quality of life.






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