- 1. Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey
- 2. Yenikale District, İsmail Cem Street, No. 35, Narlıdere, İzmir, Turkey
An identification key of the new species to its most closely related taxa:
1. Leaves 2–5 pairs of leaflets; leaflets broadly ovate, ± fleshy...................................................................................................... huetii
1. Leaves 4–9 pairs of leaflets; leaflets not broad ovate or fleshy
2. Inflorescence densely spicate; c. wings of corolla 1.5 mm broad........................................................................................ formosum
2. Inflorescence lax or dense, not spicate; wing of corolla at least 2 mm broad
3. Leaflets densely sericeous on both surfaces; peduncles shorter than leaves....................................................................... H. nitidum
3. Leaflets with a denser indumentum on lower surface; peduncles longer than leaves
4. Stipules 5–8 mm long
5. Calyx teeth as long as tube; corolla purple............................................................................................................... H. dededaghense
5. Calyx teeth at least twice as long as tube; corolla greenish yellow, violet spotted at tips.................................................... H. vuralii 4. Stipules less than 5 mm long
6. Corolla purple; lomentum densely tomentose
7. Leaflets linear-elliptic to oblong-elliptic, 7–14 × 2.5–4 mm; calyx 4–6 mm long....................................................... H. pestalozzae
7. Leaflets linear-oblong, 3–7 × 1–2 mm; calyx 2–3 mm long ......................................................................................... H. dazkiriense
6. Corolla yellow, greenish-yellow, rarely white; lomentum not densely tomentose
8. Lomentum bristly setae, pilose or subglabrous; leaflets 4–9 paired, oblong, oblong-elliptic............................................. H. varium
8. Lomentum without setae, short hirtulous; leaflets 4–6 paired, ovate-oblong .................................................................. H. syriacum
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