Published August 28, 2024 | Version v1
Conference paper Open



The concept of „descȃntec” (incantation) has been expressed in folk literature through a significant number of terms, with many researchers known to have attempted to define it. The incantation is part of a ritual, performed under certain conditions, according to spe-cific rules, with a well-defined purpose. It has been observed that the structure of magical texts varies from one incantation to another, depending on the type of spell, serving to il-lustrate certain acts or things by naming or describing the performed ritual. Generally, the magical text consists of an introductory part, a main content, and a final formula. There are incantations that invoke different magical elements, such as magical plants or magical instruments, but the invocation of saints in performing these divinatory practices should not be overlooked. However, most often the invocation is directed towards destiny itself. The text of premarital spells is characterized by the magical power of the word, which pro-vides a restoration of the imbalance caused by a lack of luck in love, either by beautifying the girl or by enchanting the young man and bringing him forth.


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