Published September 4, 2024 | Version 1.1.2
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A Global Review of Long-range Transported Lead Concentration and Isotopic Ratio Records in Snow and Ice (Supplementary Data)


Project member:

  • 1. University of Maine


This is the supplemental material for:

Brooks, H.L., Miner, K.R., Kreutz, K.J., Winski, D.A., (in review). A Global Review of Long-range Transported Lead Concentration and Isotopic Ratio Records in Snow and Ice. 


This systematic literature review contextualizes current data availability and examines spatial and temporal gaps in the long-range transported Pb analyses (concentration and isotope ratios) in ice and snow samples. Additionally, we note areas of needed community improvement. It is our hope that researchers will also benefit from a queryable set of references, allowing for quick access to the records appropriate to address multiple research questions. 

Available Files:

Table A1: Metadata for Pb records -- Individual sample sites

Table A2: Metadata for Pb records -- Transect sample sites

Table A3: Records grouped into 23 regions

Supplement_fig_25Aug2024: Additional figures supporting main manuscript

Supplement_method_25Aug2024: Methodology used for the systematic literature review

Supplement_citations_25Aug2024: Citations for all records included in the systematic literature review

citations_export.bib: Export of all systematic literature review citation data as bibtex format. Easy import to citation managers (Zotero, Mendley, Endnote, etc)

indexedReferences.csv: CSV dump of citations_export.bib indexed with citation keys used in TableA.3

tables.RDS: TableA.1, TableA.2, and indexed References formatted for easy import into R

tables.sqlite: TableA.1, TableA.2, and indexed References formatted for SQL queries in SQLite Examples of SQLite queries


Systematic Literature Review Methodology:

To address the current spatial and temporal distribution of long-range transported Pb deposited in the cryosphere (snow-pits and ice cores), we completed a systematic literature review, following the methodology outlined by Booth et al (2016). We completed an “exhaustive coverage [search], citing all relevant literature" (Booth et al., 2016), using the search terms “Lead (Pb) isotopes and concentration in surface snow, snow pits, and ice cores”. We performed an initial comprehensive literature search on these search terms on Web of Science Collection databases in September 2020 and May 2023. Records evaluated for relevance using the title and abstract. Removal of clearly off-topic papers (e.g., the chemistry of penguin feces) gathered in the search due to the dual meaning of “lead” reduced the paper count to 326 titles. The full text of the remaining publications was evaluated with clear explicit criteria for inclusion and exclusion, based on the following criteria.

    1. Only studies examining long-traveled background atmospheric lead signals were considered. All point source pollution studies examining the localized effects of traffic, road salt, mines, industry, power plants, human activity at base camp stations, etc, were excluded. An exception was made for samples which were taken at sufficient depths in the analyzed record to predate the pollution source or where wind trajectory did not transport pollution to the collection site regardless of close geographic proximity.
    2. Only studies of natural, undisturbed snowpacks and ice cores were examined. Studies which sampled snow from urban structures were excluded. Point source studies of emissions detail the localized effects of traffic, road salt, mines, industry, power plants, and human activity at base camp stations. While meaningful for understanding the direct emissions from various sources and developing new technology aimed at reducing source emissions, point source emission studies do not contribute to the understanding of regional and global signals. Additionally, studies examining the volcanic signal in snow following major modern eruptions were excluded, as this was classified as disturbed snow.

    3. Studies must specify the sampling localities by providing a minimum of latitude and longitude. Where sampling locations are only referenced by colloquial names, the distance from point source pollution cannot be verified. Therefore, such studies were excluded.
    4. Records of 210Pb in snow and ice were excluded. 210Pb is useful for establishing chronology in young snow and ice due to its small half life (~ 22.3 years). But it is not useful for consideration of old records and the source constraint of 210Pb into the atmosphere is poorly constrained over time (Nijampurkar & Clausen, 1990). Therefore, it cannot be considered in conjunction with Pb isotopes and concentrations. Records of 210Pb in snow and ice were excluded.

    5. Pb isotopes and concentrations taken from cryoconites (soil-like composites of dust, industrial soot, and microbial mats of photosynthetic bacteria) were excluded from this literature review. Cryoconites are important to glacial systems as they alter the albedo of the glacier surface, and therefore affect the glacier melt rate (Fountain et al., 2004). However, they must be considered separately from surface snow, snow pits, and ice cores due to the drastic differences in formation and biologic nature.

    6. The publication must be available to the author (e.g., through the University Library, from collaborators)

To ensure that the literature search conducted on the Web of Science was robust and complete, citations were checked to ensure inclusion in the literature search results and included when missing. Publications were indexed into Table A.1 and Table A.2. Following the completion of publication indexing, Table A.1 and Table A.2 were evaluated against the 23 regions (Table A.3) -- 20 from RGI 7.0 (RGI 7.0 Consortium, 2023) and 3 author defined regions -- to identify areas/papers that may have been missed in the initial search. Areas with few or no results were searched again using Google Scholar and Web of Science.

Based on these searches, we sought to understand the current spatial and temporal coverage of these records, shed light on gaps in the previous research and make recommendations on mitigating these gaps going forward. We used tables and graphics, included in the main text and the supplement, to summarize the characteristics of the compiled records. In the main text, we discuss the limitations and gaps within the current long-range transported Pb literature, and recommend paths to mitigate these gaps. Finally, in the main text, we illustrate an example of how researchers can query this record compilation, allowing for quick access to the records appropriate to address their research questions.

Methodology Bibliography:

Booth, A., Sutton, A., & Papaioannou, D. (2016). Systematic approaches to a successful literature review (Second edition). Sage.

Fountain, A. G., Tranter, M., Nylen, T. H., Lewis, K. J., & Mueller, D. R. (2004). Evolution of cryoconite holes and their contribution to meltwater runoff from glaciers in the McMurdo dry valleys, Antarctica. Journal of Glaciology, 50(168), 35–45.

Nijampurkar, V. N., & Clausen, H. B. (1990). A century old record of lead-210 fallout on the greenland ice sheet. Tellus Series B Chemical and Physical Meteorology, 42(1), 29–38.

RGI 7.0 Consortium. (2023). Randolph glacier inventory—A dataset of global glacier outlines, version 7.0. (Version 7.0) [Dataset]. NSIDC: National Snow and Ice Data Center.



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