Published June 10, 2024 | Version v1
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Synthesis and study of the sorption potential of hydrotalcite modified biochars (LDH@BC) with respect to cerium(III) ions

  • 1. ROR icon Maria Curie-Skłodowska University


This dataset contains data for the publications: "Synthesis and study of the sorption potential of hydrotalcite modified biochars (LDH@BC) with respect to cerium(III) ions" by Bąk and Kołodyńska published in Chemical Engineering Journal. The upload includes data of physicochemical characterizations of LDH@BC including ASAP, FTIR, XRD, XPS and SEM-EDS analyses. Physicochemical analyses of the pure composites showed the presence of crystalline phases (based on the XRD analysis) as well as micro- and mesopores (ASAP analysis). Comparative analyses of the composites before and after the sorption process (ATR-FTIR, SEM-EDS, XPS) indicated changes in the physicochemical properties and consequently allowed to deduce possible mechanisms of LDH@BC-Ce(III) interactions.



The files will be made publicly available on June 10, 2026.

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National Science Center
Synteza i badanie potencjału sorpcyjnego biowęgli modyfikowanych hydrotalkitem w kierunku jonów ceru(III) 2023/07/X/ST5/00784