Published August 22, 2024 | Version 1.8.0
Dataset Open

EvoBib: A Bibliographic Database and Quote Collection for Historical Linguistics

  • 1. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History


This databases offers 4564 references dealing with computer-assisted language comparison in a broad sense. In addition, the database offers 8364 distinct quotes collected from 5063 references. The majority of the references in the quote database overlaps with those in the bibliographic database. The quotes are organized by keywords and can browsed with a full text and a keyword search. 

The data (references and quotes) underlying each new release are provided here, the data can be browsed at

If you use the database, I would appreciate if you could this in your research:

List, Johann-Mattis (2024): EvoBib: A bibliographic database and quote collection [Database, Version 1.8.0]. Passau: Chair for Multilingual Computational Linguistics. URL:





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