Pleurotaenium subcoronulatum var. detum
- 1. Unit for Environmental Sciences and Management, North-West University, Potchefstroom 2520, South Africa
Type locality: USA.
Description: The apices of the semicells are dilated and a clear abrupt constriction is situated at a distance of approximately one seventh of the semicell length from the pole (Fig. 4E). The cell wall is very slightly undulated beyond the basal inflation. The number of tubercles ranges from 26–30. The cells are about 11–19 times longer than wide. Cells are 404–446 µm long, and 29–38 µm wide at the base of the semicell. The apex is 27–28 µm wide, while the width at the constriction is 20–27 µm.
North America: Canada (Irénée-Marie 1939; Poulin et al. 1995), USA (West & West 1896; Smith 1924; Brown 1930; Prescott et al. 1975; Dillard 1990; Akin & Meyer 1996; Marshall et al. 2005; Laderman & Domozych 2005; Smith 2010).
Central America: Cuba (Comas 2009).
South America: Argentina (Tell 1985), Brazil (Bicudo & Ungaretti 1986; Souza 2008).
Africa: Democratic Republic of the Congo (Van Oye 1953; Golama Swana Kaketa 1996), Guinea (Bourrelly 1975), Mozambique (Rino 1972); Sierra Leone (Grönblad et al. 1968); Uganda (Grönblad et al. 1964); Zimbabwe (Rich 1935). Lakes on borders of African countries: Tanganyika, Victoria (Cocquyt et al. 1993).
Asia: Japan (Hirose et al. 1977), Russian Federation (Medvedeva 2023).
Australia and New Zealand: Australia (Day et al. 1995).
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Additional details
- Family
- Desmidiaceae
- Genus
- Pleurotaenium
- Kingdom
- Plantae
- Order
- Zygnematales
- Phylum
- Charophyta
- Species
- detum
- Taxon rank
- variety
- West, W. & West, G. S. (1896) On some North America Desmidieae. Transactions of the Linnean Society of London, Botany, Series 2, 5: 229 - 274.
- Poulin, M., Hamilton, P. B. & Proulx, M. (1995) Catalogue des algues d'eau douce du Quebec, Canada. The Canadian Field-Naturalist 109: 27 - 110.
- Smith, G. M. (1924) Phytoplankton of the Inland Lakes of Wisconsin. Part II Desmidiaceae. Bulletin of the Wisconsin Geological and Natural History Survey 57, Part II: 1 - 227.
- Brown, H. J. (1930) Desmids of the southeastern coastal plain region of the United States. Transactions of the American Microscopical Society 49 (2): 97 - 139.
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- Tell, G. (1985) Catalogo de las algas de agua dulce de la Republica Argentina. Bibliotheca Phycologica 70: 1 - 283.
- Bicudo, C. E. M. & Ungaretti, I. (1986) Desmideas (Zygnemaphyceae) da lagoa-represa de Aguas Belas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Biologia 46 (2): 285 - 307.
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- Bourrelly, P. (1975) Quelques algues d'eau douce de Guinee. Bulletin du Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 3 eme Serie 276, Botanique 20: 1 - 71.
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- Gronblad, R. L., Scott, A. & Croasdale, H. T. (1968) Desmids from Sierra Leone, tropical West Africa. Acta Botanica Fennica 78: 1 - 41.
- Gronblad, R. L. Scott, A. & Croasdale, H. T. (1964) Desmids from Uganda and Lake Victoria, collected by Dr. Edna M. Lind. Acta Botanica Fennica 66: 1 - 57.
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