Published August 16, 2024 | Version 1.0
Dataset Open

Zinc Doped Zeolite 13X I13-2 X-Ray Computed Tomography - 0.325 micron pixel size

  • 1. ROR icon Imperial College London
  • 2. ROR icon Diamond Light Source
  • 3. ROR icon ISIS Neutron and Muon Source
  • 4. ROR icon The Faraday Institution


This repository contains data for the zinc-doped zeolite 13X sample imaged on the I13-2 beamline at Diamond Light Source. Data is stored as a .h5 file which can be loaded using ImageJ/Fiji. The size of this dataset is 2510x2510x2110 with a pixel-size of 0.325 microns.

This data is one of four resolutions obtained.

A detailed data descriptor pre-print is available at

The size of the .h5 file is >50GB and cannot be downloaded from the browser. It is recommended to use a terminal to download the data using the 'curl' or 'wget' command. To generate a file url, right-click the 'Download' button for the dataset you want to download and select 'Copy Link. Enter the following command in your terminal to download the dataset:

curl dataset_url > 169065_recon.h5

Please replace dataset_url with the url you copied.


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UK Research and Innovation
INFUSE: Interface with the Future - Underpinning Science to Support the Energy transition EP/V038044/1