Published August 13, 2024
| Version v1
Repository for: "Localization-delocalization transition for light particles in turbulence"
This respository contains underlying data and figure scripts, corresponding to the article "Localization-delocalization transition for light particles in turbulence", Z, Wang, X.M. de Wit, F. Toschi, 2024, PNAS
Figures and data
Scripts to the figures covered in the article are provided in the directory 'Figures_and_data' along with the required data from the Direct Numerical Simulations.
Below, we give a list of the files corresponding to each figure.
Main text
- Fig. 1: panels a, b, c, and d are plotted by Figures_and_data/FIG1/fig1_a_b_c_d.m; panel f is plotted by Figures_and_data/FIG1/fig1_f.m
Fig. 2: panels a, e, g, and i are plotted by Figures_and_data/FIG2/fig2_a_e_g_i.m; panels f, h, and j are plotted by Figures_and_data/FIG2/fig2_f_h_j.m
Fig. 3: n/a
Fig. 4: panel e is plotted by Figures_and_data/FIG4/fig1_e.m; panels f and g are plotted by Figures_and_data/FIG4/fig4_f_g.ipynb
Fig. 5: panels a and c are plotted by Figures_and_data/FIG5/fig5_a_c.ipynb; panels b, d and e are plotted by Figures_and_data/FIG5/fig5_b_d_e.m
Supplemental Information
- Fig. S1: fig.S1 is plotted by Figures_and_data/SUPPLEMENTARY_INFORMATION/figS1.ipynb
- Fig. S2: panels a, b, and c are plotted by Figures_and_data/SUPPLEMENTARY_INFORMATION/figS2.m; panel d is plotted by Figures_and_data/FIG4/fig4_f_g.ipynb
- Fig. S3: panels a and b are plotted by Figures_and_data/SUPPLEMENTARY_INFORMATION/figS3_a_b.ipynb; panels c-f are plotted by Figures_and_data/SUPPLEMENTARY_INFORMATION/figS3_c_d_e_f.ipynb
- Fig. S4: fig, S4 is plotted by Figures_and_data/SUPPLEMENTARY_INFORMATION/figS4.ipynb
- Fig. S5: fig, S5 is plotted by Figures_and_data/SUPPLEMENTARY_INFORMATION/figS5.ipynb
- Fig. S6: panel b is plotted by Figures_and_data/FIG4/fig4_f_g.ipynb; all the other panels are plotted by Figures_and_data/SUPPLEMENTARY_INFORMATION/figS6_S7_S8_S10_S11.ipynb
- Fig. S7: panel b is plotted by Figures_and_data/FIG4/fig4_f_g.ipynb; all the other panels are plotted by Figures_and_data/SUPPLEMENTARY_INFORMATION/figS6_S7_S8_S10_S11.ipynb
- Fig. S8: panel b is plotted by Figures_and_data/FIG4/fig4_f_g.ipynb; all the other panels are plotted by Figures_and_data/SUPPLEMENTARY_INFORMATION/figS6_S7_S8_S10_S11.ipynb
- Fig. S9: panels a and b are plotted by Figures_and_data/SUPPLEMENTARY_INFORMATION/figS9.m
- Fig. S10: panels a,b,c and e,f,g, and i,j,k are plotted by Figures_and_data/SUPPLEMENTARY_INFORMATION/figS6_S7_S8_S10_S11.ipynb; panels d, h, and f are plotted by Figures_and_data/FIG4/fig4_f_g.ipynb
- Fig. S11: fig, S11 is plotted by Figures_and_data/SUPPLEMENTARY_INFORMATION/figS6_S7_S8_S10_S11.ipynb
Z, Wang, X.M. de Wit, F. Toschi
All code is released under the 2-clause BSD license (see LICENSE).