Published October 31, 2022 | Version,Vol14,Issue10,Article110.pdf
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Evaluation of Histopathological Reports of Abnormal Uterine Bleeding in Women at Tertiary Care Centre

  • 1. Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences, Ghapur, Medchal, Telangana, India
  • 2. Third Year, Postgraduate, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences, Ghapur, Medchal, Telangana, India


Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) which is a significant clinical entity and its subgroup, heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB), are common conditions having a significant impact on the physical, social, emotional and/or material quality of life of the affected 14–25% of women of reproductive age. Aim of the Study: To evaluate histopathological reports of abnormal uterine bleeding in women at tertiary care centres. Methodology: The retrospective cohort study was carried out from June 2020 to June 2022 in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at a tertiary medical teaching hospital at Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences, Medchal. Medical records of 100 cases of AUB were retrieved. A detailed history was taken and investigations were carried out. Results: The age group of 36-50 years was commonly associated with AUB. Maximum no. of women 45 cases were para 2 (45 %) while 4 cases (4 %) were nulliparous, 1 case (1 %) was para 1, other 37 women were para 3 and the remaining 10 women were para 4 or more. Management was done by medical and surgical approaches for these women. D and C alone or D and C followed by hysterectomy was the surgical approach. Majorly 82 cases (82 %) were associated with secretory endometrium on histopathology and 18 (18 %) cases were associated with the proliferative type of endometrium. Conclusion: The majority of endometrium was revealed by histopathology in the secretory phase and hysterectomy remained the commonest method of intervention.




Abstract (English)

Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) which is a significant clinical entity and its subgroup, heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB), are common conditions having a significant impact on the physical, social, emotional and/or material quality of life of the affected 14–25% of women of reproductive age. Aim of the Study: To evaluate histopathological reports of abnormal uterine bleeding in women at tertiary care centres. Methodology: The retrospective cohort study was carried out from June 2020 to June 2022 in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at a tertiary medical teaching hospital at Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences, Medchal. Medical records of 100 cases of AUB were retrieved. A detailed history was taken and investigations were carried out. Results: The age group of 36-50 years was commonly associated with AUB. Maximum no. of women 45 cases were para 2 (45 %) while 4 cases (4 %) were nulliparous, 1 case (1 %) was para 1, other 37 women were para 3 and the remaining 10 women were para 4 or more. Management was done by medical and surgical approaches for these women. D and C alone or D and C followed by hysterectomy was the surgical approach. Majorly 82 cases (82 %) were associated with secretory endometrium on histopathology and 18 (18 %) cases were associated with the proliferative type of endometrium. Conclusion: The majority of endometrium was revealed by histopathology in the secretory phase and hysterectomy remained the commonest method of intervention.






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