Published December 31, 2023
| Version v1
Journal article
Identification and phylogenetic analysis of Taenia spp. parasites found in wildlife in the Emilia-Romagna region, northern Italy (2017-2022)
Bariselli, Simone, Maioli, Giulia, Pupillo, Giovanni, Calzolari, Mattia, Torri, Deborah, Cirasella, Letizia, Luppi, Andrea, Torreggiani, Camilla, Garbarino, Chiara, Barsi, Filippo, Rugna, Gianluca, Dottori, Michele (2023): Identification and phylogenetic analysis of Taenia spp. parasites found in wildlife in the Emilia-Romagna region, northern Italy (2017-2022). International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 22: 20-27, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijppaw.2023.08.001, URL:
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