Published June 10, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Information Services of Fundraising Organisations' Internet Portals

  • 1. Ivano-Franivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine
  • 2. Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ukraine


The purpose of the research is to make an information and analytical review and characterise the typical information services of Internet portals used by fundraising organisations in Ukraine and abroad.

Research methods. The following general scientific methods were used: systematisation (in the process of selecting the necessary sources of information), generalisation (in the process of defining general concepts that highlight the main features), formal-logical method (in the process of studying the structure and classification of portals), method of systematic analysis of information (in the process of reviewing Ukrainian and foreign experience of the functioning of typical web portals), descriptive method.

The scientific novelty of the research is to determine the differences between a website and a web portal; to generalise (based on the results of the analytical monitoring) and to highlight typical information services of fundraising web portals and their functional features that are actively used by domestic and foreign fundraising organisations.

Conclusions. The results of the study conclude that Ukrainian fundraising organisations, using benchmarking methods, are actively studying the experience of foreign institutions working in the social sphere and gradually introducing and developing fundraising in the Ukrainian Internet segment. Today, domestic and foreign fundraising activities are carried out through a large number of relevant Internet portals. The relevance of utilizing Internet portals is driven by the fact that an informational web portal contributes to greater transparency of processes occurring within civil society. Moreover, the functional capabilities of Internet technologies help to establish joint work and highlight the activities of both domestic and foreign non-governmental organisations in the digital environment.

The research results indicate that the development of the Internet portal market and the constant demand for such services are driving developers to expand the functionality of typical information services and tools that help organisations create user-oriented digital content management capabilities, mobile support, etc. In general, the ratio of the number of foreign and Ukrainian fundraising web portals shows that domestic fundraising is becoming more active and popular in the form of patronage, sponsorship and support through grants, donations, material and information resources, etc. through online portals. It is digital tools and technologies that make it possible for such organisations to remain relevant, with a range of information services and services that are constantly growing and becoming more customer-oriented.




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