Published August 9, 2024 | Version v1
Journal Open

Impact of COVID-19 on Education – Lessons for the Future


The outcome of pandemic COVID19 has enormously troubled every aspect
of human life, including education. It has
twisted unparalleled check on education.
In many educational institutions around
the globe, campuses are closed, and
teaching-learning has progressed online.
Internationalization has concentrated
considerably. About 32 crore learners
stopped up moving to schools/colleges in
India, and all educational activities are
brought to an end. Despite all these
challenges, the Higher Education
Institutions (HEIs) have reacted
optimistically and managed to guarantee
the stability of teaching-learning, research
and service to the society with some tools
and techniques during the pandemic. It
highlights the momentous impacts of
COVID-19 on HELS in India. Some trials
taken by HEIs and educational authorities
of India to provide uninterrupted
educational service during the crisis have
conversed. Due to the COVID-19
pandemic, many new modes of learning,
new perspectives, new trends emerge, and
the same may continue in future. Some of
the post-Covid-19 trends that may allow
imagining new ways of teaching-learning
of higher education in India are outlined.
Some productive suggestions are also
pointed to carry out educational activities
during the pandemic situation. 


1.Dr S. Henry Kishore& E. Ranjith Kumar(1-4).pdf

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