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Published June 26, 2018 | Version 1
Journal article Open

"Green" tourism as a strategic direction of social and economic development of regions of Ukraine

  • 1. A.
  • 2. V.


The article analyzes tourist resources of the region by the organizational forms of tourism. The dynamics of the number of tourists in the region is considered, dynamics of the number of foreign and domestic tourists of the region is researched. The reasons for the decline of tourism activity in the regions of Ukraine are revealed. The number of subjects of tourism activity in Vinnitsa region and in Ukraine is presented. The financial indicators of the work of the subjects of tourist activity are calculated. The resource potential of the "green" tourism of the region is analyzed. An estimation of the level of development of "green" tourism in the region is made. Economic efficiency of activity of subjects of "green" tourism is presented. The theoretical, methodical and applied principles of development of "green" tourism have been studied and improved. It is proposed to categorize green farmsteads. The ways of improvement and implementation of "green" tourism as a strategic direction of social and economic development of the region are substantiated.



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