Published October 1, 2019 | Version v2
Working paper Open

How-to Guide: Governance in Biobanking

  • 2. Institut für Höhere Studien


This how-to guide focuses on addressing general issues relating to governance that are commonly seen as challenge areas, notwithstanding varying regulatory requirements. Indeed, we suggest how biobanks can adequately prepare themselves with regards to develop their own governance structure and networks, including how to facilitate trust that ultimately assist daily operations and sustaining longevity of biobanks.


This How-to-Guide to Governance in Biobanking is based on findings from the "Data in Question" survey, which has been supported by the H2020 project ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC (GA 676550), the COST Action IS1303 CHIP ME, the FP7 project RD-connect (GA 305444), the IMI project DO-IT (GA 116055) and Biobank Norway (GA 245464), and a qualitative follow-up study (ongoing) is supported by BBMRI-ERIC.



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European Commission
ADOPT BBMRI-ERIC – implementAtion anD OPeration of the gateway for healTh into BBMRI-ERIC 676550