Published December 30, 2024 | Version v6
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Variabilities of Dopamine (₯) I: Six Paper Collections in 2024


  1. The Variabilities of Dopamine (₯) - PART V: MeSH: D005239 &  NBO:0000209 (Fear Comes in to Play): Do you still remember the 67-year-old dopamine girl in the history of dopamine science this year? She gradually became a spokesperson for happiness in her twenties. However, behind this happiness is actually a little fear. In the early stages of research, scientists used basic tools to explore dopamine's role, focusing on its relevance to psychosis and antipsychotic drugs. Initial claims that dopamine was involved in fear conditioning were dismissed due to the inadequacies of the drugs, tools, and techniques used. However, with the development of science, it turns out that the purple "Fear" in "Inside Out" also has some relationship with the dopamine girl. Let's do some brain teasers together this time! In "Dopamine at Forty," we learned that dopamine (DA) is more than just the "happy molecule" we once thought it was. Thanks to advancements in genetics, chemistry, and other technologies in the 21st century, scientists now understand dopamine and its interactions with neurons (DAN) and receptors much better. CASE Science, Center for the Advancement of Science Education, National Taiwan (Chinese Publication), 2024-12-26 
  2. The Variabilities of Dopamine (₯) - PART IV: MeSH:D011954(Bound Receptors:D1~D5) : Dopamine is a pretty quirky character. Not only does it act as a neurotransmitter, but it also behaves differently depending on the "dopamine receptor" it binds to. Imagine these receptors as different doorways on the surface of a cell, each one changing how dopamine does its job. So, what's so special about these receptors? Well, think of them like the VIP passes that let dopamine into the cell club. You've probably heard about receptors because of the coronavirus (yep, the COVID-19 villain). The virus uses a special receptor called "ACE2" to sneak into our cells. Using this same idea, you can picture dopamine needing its own special receptors to get things done. In short, dopamine receptors are like the bouncers deciding who gets into the cell party, and without them, dopamine would just be left knocking on the door! CASE Science, Center for the Advancement of Science Education, National Taiwan (Chinese Publication), 2024-11-14 
  3. The Variabilities of Dopamine (₯) - PART III: CL:0000700 & SIO:000823 (Curious detective DAN's aging) : In the complex drama of the brain, there are many characters, but dopaminergic neurons (DAN) take the lead role. These neurons are always on the lookout for new things and solving puzzles, like a brainy Sherlock Holmes. Dopamine, the neurotransmitter, is their trusty sidekick, helping them stay curious and active. But, like in any good story, there's a twist. Over time, these once-energetic neurons start to lose their zest for new experiences. This decline in curiosity mirrors our own aging. It raises an important question: what happens in the brain to cause this loss? What makes our inner Sherlock Holmes lose interest in the unknown? CASE Science, Center for the Advancement of Science Education, National Taiwan (Chinese Publication), 2024-09-06 
  4. The Variabilities of Dopamine (₯) - PART II: CL: 0000700: What are dopaminergic neurons (DANs), the cells in your brain that help you do your job every day? Let’s give it a try . Let’s use the “Knowledge Manual” - the ontology. Starting from DAN’s ID, CL: 0000700, a few pictures will present the important relationship between DAN and dopamine. Once you have the concept of DAN-related knowledge graph, will it collide with the DAN and dopamine working in your mind to inspire a new cognitive world spark that belongs to you? | CASE Science, Center for the Advancement of Science Education, National Taiwan (Chinese Publication), 2024-08-04
  5. The Variabilities of Dopamine (₯) - PART I:ChEBI:18243: What is the specific image of the charming and changeable dopamine among scientists? What is the family tree of dopamine established by chemists and information scientists? What is so called ontology? Let us try to brief in common words, knowledge ontology (ontology for short) is a basic computing model compiled by scientific experts in a specific field and fed to computers. Today, we try to use the knowledge architecture of these computers to feed human readers in the context of popular science for writing and reading. This is an innovative creative experiment that uses dopamine to open a new chapter in popular science. It’s so exciting, so nervous for me. What are the benefits of learning about dopamine through Ontology? (1) Telling stories by the graphical structure of the basic knowledge summary, let people understand the information quickly and clearly at a glance. (2) Linking to specific knowledge bases, the information can be “tasted” briefly and deeply by human choices. (3) Are you in urgent need of inspiration tools? Why not try the ontological popular science for different creativity? | CASE Science, Center for the Advancement of Science Education, National Taiwan(Chinese Publication), 2024-06-27 
  6. Variabilities of Dopamine (₯) - Prequel: Dopamine should be the most well-known neurotransmitter in the human body. After all, who doesn’t like the “happy molecule”? But you know what? Dopamine is not that simple! There are still divergent opinions about the role she plays in the human body, and it is often said that her actions and reactions affect us in unexpected ways. This article uses the theme of anthropomorphic scientific information to observe and understand the development process of dopamine in the history of science and the different characteristics discovered at different stages. It uses the growth process of a girl as a metaphor to observe and understand it as a leading story to understand the complete knowledge structure of dopamine. | CASE Science, Center for the Advancement of Science Education, National Taiwan(Chinese Publication), 2024-04-24 

Abstract (Mandarin Chinese)

  1. 多變多巴胺——第五部:恐懼也來湊一腳 : (2024-12-26) 還記得今年在多巴胺科學進展史上,67歲的多巴胺姑娘嗎? 她二十幾歲才逐漸成為快樂代言人,然而,這快樂的背後其實是帶點恐懼 (fear) 的。在研究初期,科學家使用基本工具探索多巴胺的作用,重點是和精神病與抗精神病藥物有關。由於所用的藥物、工具和技術的不足,最初關於多巴胺參與恐懼制約的說法是被駁斥的。但是,科學發展至今,原來《腦筋急轉彎》中全身紫色的「驚驚」或「怕怕」也和多巴胺姑娘有些交情,這次就讓我們一起來腦筋急轉彎一下吧!
  2. 多變多巴胺——第四部:綁定的受體D1~D5 : (2024-11-04) 多變多巴胺之所以多變,不僅因為它具有神經遞質的化學特性、有時也可以是會放電的工作細胞,還因為在細胞膜上負責接收它的特殊蛋白質——「多巴胺受體」相當多變。前面兩個變化型已經在先前的文章介紹過了,那受體又是什麼怪東西呢?想必此時此刻大家腦海中可能已經閃閃亮起了多巴胺好奇。其實受體曾因前幾年肆虐全球的新冠病毒而聲名大噪,在不少研究報導中所提到的「ACE2」就是「開鎖」讓新冠病毒進入體內的特殊受體。或許用此概念來看,大家就很容易認識這些被多巴胺綁定的受體了吧?
  3. 多變多巴胺——第三部:好奇偵探DAN的變老 :(2024-09-05) 本篇要介紹的是會放電的工作細胞,多巴胺能神經元 (DAN) 是主角,而神經遞質化學物質多巴胺姑娘是配角,他們兩位在兩個關鍵的大腦區域中工作時,DAN扮演著愛好新奇解謎的福爾摩斯,主導尋找新奇事物的相關神經機制,並且也是連接好奇和神經元活動為關鍵。但這裡有一個問題:隨著年齡的增長,DAN將會漸漸失去尋求新奇的能力。究竟為什麼會這樣呢?導致好奇心下降的背後神經機制又是什麼呢?
  4. 多變多巴胺——第二部:工作細胞DAN (2024-08-01) 每天在大腦中幫你工作的細胞-多巴胺能神經元(DAN)是什麼?他的家世、日常工作,試試看,讓我們使用「知識說明書」—— 本體,透過DAN的身分證號碼: 0000700開始,幾張圖將他和多巴胺的重要關係脈絡,具體呈現。一旦你有了DAN 相關知識圖譜的概念,是否又會和腦海中正在工作的DAN與多巴胺,碰撞激發出屬於你個人,什麼樣的認知新世界火花呢? 
  5. 多變多巴胺——第一部:ChEBI:18243 : (2024-06-27)多巴胺是什麼?如果一張圖就能告訴我們許多多巴胺知識,而且,這些知識是由許多科學家合力建立完成的;如果一張圖就能提供多巴胺關鍵的連結,對於我們快速掌握多巴胺的資訊結構有多大幫助?試試看,透過多巴胺在一個知識庫中有一個身分證號碼:18243,ChEBI知識本體,開始帶領我們透視化學多巴胺與連結即時更新的豐富資源探索旅程。
  6. 多變多巴胺——前傳: (2024-04-24) 多巴胺應該是最為大眾所熟知的人體內神經傳遞物質,畢竟「快樂分子」誰不喜歡呢?但你知道嗎?多巴胺可沒有這麼簡單喔!她在人體內所扮演的角色至今依然眾說紛紜,甚至經常傳出她在哪個行為、反應當中,又出乎意料地如何影響著我們。本文藉擬人化科學資訊主題,將多巴胺在科學史上發展的過程、不同階段所發現的不同特性,以少女成長過程作為比喻來觀察和理解,來作為認識迷人多巴胺完整知識架構的前導故事。



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The Variabilities of Dopamine (₯) - PART I:ChEBI:18243

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