Published June 26, 2018 | Version 1
Journal article Open

Marketing assessment of tourism services' competitiveness

  • 1. I.
  • 2. Yu.
  • 3. S.


The article proposes a methodology for marketing assessment of the competitiveness of tourism tourism services. This methodology is based on the use of expert survey methods and weighting factors. An important criterion for this method of evaluation is that it is aimed at collecting and analyzing consumer criteria. Having considered these criteria and wishes of the clients it is possible to achieve the increase of competitiveness of the services of the enterprise of tourism and to improve its position in this market. The chosen method involves five stages, each containing a set of procedures aimed at determining the criteria by which it is possible to raise the competitiveness of not only services but also of enterprises as a whole. Taking into account the point of view of consumers and the quality of marketing activities of a tourist enterprise, there are great opportunities for development.



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