Published August 3, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Liminal spaces (przestrzenie graniczne), czyli internetowa estetyka niepokojącej pustki

  • 1. Uniwersytet Pomorski w Słupsku


Liminal spaces, which is internet aesthetic of a disturbing emptiness

This article presents a subject of liminal spaces, that is the popular internet aestetic of empty and unnerving locations. Besides describing a short history of this phenomenon, a text also contains analysis of its elements and an attempt of interpretation by using socio-psychological contexts. According to this viewpoint, that the internet trend could be a record of a postomodern human fear of existential uncertainty. Feeling of anxiety in response to pictures of hollow places could be read, in the contexts of psychoanalysis and sociology, as a somehow subconscious voice of dissatisfaction and doubts about modern world. In a way, liminal spaces as a cultural phenomenon are much more than only next horror aestetic.


Stelmaszuk Mateusz, Liminal spaces (przestrzenie graniczne).pdf

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