Published July 30, 2024 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

GREAT D6.3 Business Models

  • 1. PlanetPlay
  • 2. University Of Bolton
  • 3. ROR icon Centre for Social Innovation
  • 1. ROR icon University of Bolton
  • 2. ROR icon Centre for Social Innovation


This deliverable provides a summary of the research undertaken by the GREAT project in examining the business models applied in the domain of the use of games to link citizens in dialogue with policy makers examining policy dilemmas related to the climate change crisis. The existing and current business models applied by the industrial partners SGI and PlanetPlay are examined, using the combined lenses of three variants of the Business Model Canvas, The Business Model Canvas, The Value Proposition Canvas and the Lean Canvas. This approach exposes the attributes of the partners business models and provides formal conceptualisations of how these organisations function in what is an emerging domain of activity. The assumptions underlying the models, specifically the value propositions, are tested and evaluated in the GREAT case studies currently being undertaken in the accompanying work package 4 of the project. A number of alternative revenue models are considered, and informed by this analysis, and by contemporary business literature, we conducted in-depth interviews with the industrial partners SGI and PlanetPlay, GREAT stakeholder groups and sponsors to further develop refined business models informed by our research. This public report highlights the GREAT partners’ research into the business aspects of the project. It is anticipated that the content will be of interest to a wider audience including the EU, games development studios, policy-makers and potential sponsors of activities.



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European Commission
GREAT – Games Realising Effective and Affective Transformation (societal and cultural domains) 101094766

