Published April 28, 2017 | Version V1.1 | Final
Project deliverable Open

e-ROSA D4.3 - Public Project Website


As part of the dissemination strategy of the e-ROSA project, a website has been developed in order to communicate the goals and outcomes of the project. This website is part of the AGINFRA web portal and is hosted as a micro-site of The e-ROSA website, which can be found under the domain, was built by Agroknow as part of “Work Package 4: Project Management & Dissemination”. The virtual machine of the website is hosted in the Greek Research and Technology Network Cloud and the technologies used are Apache HTML Server, MySQL database and PHP. As for the content management, Drupal CMS was selected.


Public project website.pdf

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e-ROSA – Towards an e-infrastructure Roadmap for Open Science in Agriculture 730988
European Commission