Published June 27, 2018
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Journal article
Agalma clausi (Bedot, 1888) (Siphonophora: Physonectae) - complementary description with notes on species distribution and ecology
Mańko, Maciej K., Pugh, Philip R. (2018): Agalma clausi (Bedot, 1888) (Siphonophora: Physonectae) - complementary description with notes on species distribution and ecology. Zootaxa 4441 (2): 311-331, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4441.2.7
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- As Purcell (1980) pointed out, Agalma species use a form of aggressive mimicry in their attempts to catch prey. The expanded tentillum, with its red cnidoband and two extended lateral terminal filaments, can take on the semblance of a copepod that, when contracted and relaxed, acts as a lure to entice its prey. Further examples of aggressive mimicry have recently been found for species of the genus Erenna (Haddock et al. 2005b; Pugh & Haddock 2016). Purcell (1981) also found that the preferred prey of A. elegans and A. okenii was largely shrimp or small fish, with an occasional, presumably carnivorous, copepod. Although no prey items were identified from the gastrozooids, based on the typical Agalma- like morphology of an A. clausi tentillum, it can be assumed that the diet of these species is similar.
- Bedot (1888) stated that the release of clouds of red pigmentation from the glands on the Type D bracts was very reminiscent of the release of similar material from the palpons of some Forskalia species. Although the material appeared not to be bioluminescent (see Mills et al. 1996) it is possible that it was similarly fluorescent, and presumably its release was a defensive reaction if the colony was disturbed.
- One noticeable feature of the specimens caught close to the surface, by SCUBA divers, and those collected at depth, by the JSL submersible, was that the former were heavily infested with amphipods (Fig. 17) while, for the deeper living JSL specimens only a single amphipod was found free in the nectosac of a nectophore from specimen 2929-DS1. Harbison et al. (1977) made a detailed study on the association of amphipods with siphonophores, and found that many of these were species specific. For Agalma clausi they found Paralycaea gracilis Claus 1879, and juveniles of Eupronoe and other pronoids. A single specimen of P. gracilis was found sitting within the nectosac of a nectophore, but immediately swam off when disturbed. Juveniles of platysceloid amphipods were also found "encysted" within the tissue of the nectophores and bracts (Fig. 17D). These juveniles bore into the tissue, and excavated a chamber that bordered on one of the canals in the nectophore, or the bracteal canal (Fig. 17A, B, C). This is then bitten into and the cavity is then constantly flushed with the fluid circulating in the gastrovascular canal system of the colony. As was previously reported for other gelatinous organisms (Gasca et al. 2007), including siphonophores (Manko et al. 2017), some crustaceans require gelatinous hosts in their life cycle, as indicated here by the presence of amphipod exuviae buried in the mesoglea of A. clausi (Fig. 17E). Specimens of another amphipod species, Parascelus edwardsi Claus 1879, were recently identified from the specimen BWP 1055-15, however, there is no information as to their exact placement within the colony, since they became separated from the colony after preservation.
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