Published December 31, 2023 | Version v1
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New data on the Holocene vertebrate fauna of the Middle Lena and Aldan Rivers basins (Yakutia) based on the materials from archaeological sites Jampa, Kuznets I, II Daban-Yuryakh, and Buor-Khaya I, II, III


Ponomarev, I. V., Boeskorov, G. G., Dyakonov, V. M. (2023): New data on the Holocene vertebrate fauna of the Middle Lena and Aldan Rivers basins (Yakutia) based on the materials from archaeological sites Jampa, Kuznets I, II Daban-Yuryakh, and Buor-Khaya I, II, III. Amurian Zoological Journal XV (4): 907-922, DOI: 10.33910/2686-9519-2023-15-4-907-922, URL:



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