PsPM-FR: SCR, ECG and respiration measurements in a delay fear conditioning task with visual CS and electrical US.
- 1. University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
This dataset includes skin conductance response (SCR), electrocardiogram (ECG) and respiration measurements. Also included are CS and US information, keypress responses and keypress response times for 23 healthy unmedicated participants (06 males and 17 females aged 23.43+/-3.79 years) participating in a classical (Pavlovian) discriminant delay fear conditioning task. CS were a red and a blue rectangle. US consisted of 0.5 s square electric pulses with 0.2-ms duration and 10 Hz frequency. SOA between the CS onset and US was 3.5 s. CS and US co-terminated. During extinction phase, an auditory startle probe (ST) was delivered 3.8 s after CS onset via headphones (100 dB, 50 ms duration with 2ms on- and offset ramp). The ITI was randomly determined on each trial to be 7, 9, or 11 s.
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- Swiss National Science Foundation
- Core support for the Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging 091593
- Wellcome Trust