Published June 19, 2018
| Version v1.8.0
PX4/Firmware: v1.8.0 Stable Release
- Lorenz Meier1
- Thomas Gubler
- Daniel Agar
- Julian Oes
- Beat Küng1
- David Sidrane2
- Anton Babushkin
- px4dev
- Mark Charlebois3
- Roman Bapst
- Andreas Daniel Antener
- James Goppert4
- Andrew Tridgell5
- Paul Riseborough6
- Dennis Mannhart
- Mark Whitehorn
- Matthias Grob
- Simon Wilks7
- Kabir Mohammed
- Sander Smeets8
- Pavel Kirienko9
- ChristophTobler
- JohanJansen
- Don Gagne
- Ban Siesta
- José Roberto de Souza10
- Lucas De Marchi10
- Florian Achermann11
- Julien Lecoeur
- Simone Guscetti
- 1. @Auterion
- 2. Nscdg
- 3. Qualcomm Technologies Inc; Linaro
- 4. JMG Robotics,, Purdue University
- 5. AerialRobotics Australia Pty Ltd
- 6. GNC Solutions Pty Ltd
- 7. UAVenture AG
- 8. DronesLab
- 9. Zubax Robotics
- 10. Intel
- 11. ETH Zurich
Change Log
v1.8.0 (2018-06-19)
Implemented enhancements:
Fixed bugs:
- Error in make posix_sitl_default gazebo #9575
- fmu_v5 NSH some commands force an instant reboot #9532
- 1.8.0beta does not "work" with QGC latest #9505
- Console output on Mac OS #9495
- EKF errors with Fixed Wing #9474
- PX4 1.7.3: Total crash in loiter. #9108
- set MODULE_NAME for parameters module and update ecl #9536 (dagar)
- Jenkins mission tests delete old build first #9535 (dagar)
Closed issues:
- v1.8 Changelog scratchpad #9593
- Increase IMU rate in ROS on Intel Aero RTF with PX4 #9579
- arming and takeoff with mavros ! #9578
- not able to launch posix_sitl.launch #9568
- Commander low on stack #9548
- Wrong Voltage Divider for FMUv5 #9526
- Start logging on RTK GPS condition or postprocessing option #9432
- 1.7 Crashes, log stops in-air #9271
- Crash: Pixhawk 2.1 (Cube) with v1.7.4 Beta firmware #9260
- Suspectible servo broken and PX4 dead #9139
Merged pull requests:
- Remove extra newline in omnibus-f4sd/usb.c to quiet git warning. #9592 (mcsauder)
- various getopt & argc index check fixes #9589 (bkueng)
- mavlink_messages: fill in all 16 servo channels #9586 (bkueng)
- Remove whitespace from the top-level CMakeLists.txt. #9581 (mcsauder)
- logger: fix SD card space computation #9580 (bkueng)
- Update submodule sitl_gazebo to latest Thu May 31 01:26:50 UTC 2018 #9571 (dagar)
- Jenkins archive nuttx bin file #9570 (dagar)
- Commander: complete thread cycle before emergency shutdown #9563 (potaito)
- Jenkins temporarily disable address sanitizer mission tests #9559 (dagar)
- ecl-ekf log analysis tool: fix missing filter_fault_status and one-off index bug #9552 (JohannesBrand)
- ROMFS: fix SYS_USE_IO==0 #9551 (bkueng)
- px4fmu-v5/board_config.h: update BOARD_BATTERY1_V_DIV #9550 (bkueng)
- mavlink mission: send an ack on duplicated last uploaded mission item #9547 (bkueng)
- IridiumSBD: Fix for multiple MT messages #9546 (acfloria)
- ADC support for Omnibus F4 SD #9545 (bkueng)
- Add param to adjust motor ordering #9544 (bkueng)
- Delete old issue template #9543 (hamishwillee)
- Fix link to slack (Broken) #9542 (hamishwillee)
- Fix link to flight reporting page #9541 (hamishwillee)
- Jenkins tests code coverage build + SIGSEGV handler #9419 (dagar)
Implemented enhancements:
- Replay does not publish second GPS #9422
- Use Nuttx defconfig defines to determine arch #9516 (joshuawhitehead)
- Cygwin: Enable ARM NuttX Upload within Cygwin Environment #9442 (MaEtUgR)
- Add baro temperature to sensor voter observation #9411 (potaito)
- adis16477 driver #9408 (dagar)
- Logger: add watchdog to boost its priority in case of a busy-looping task #9404 (bkueng)
- Mavlink Ping Protocol Implementation #9399 (mhkabir)
- cmake px4 + sitl package #9309 (dagar)
- WIP: doxygen #9234 (dagar)
Fixed bugs:
- PX4 SITL catkin build failing #9447
- posix_eagle broken on recent master (Snapdragon flight) #9444
- EKF2 with optical flow drifts without flow data #9414
- Internal HMC5883 not (always) starting on FMUv2 (Original 3DR Pixhawk) #9151
- Fix astyle Display Language Dependency & Makefile Colored Output #9441 (MaEtUgR)
- Jenkins run tests under address sanitizer and fix issues #9421 (dagar)
- Avionics power check type error (int to float) #9412 (dakejahl)
Closed issues:
- Bug Report: Multi-Vehicle Interference in the storage and execution of the mission #9500
- Battery Parameters Visualisation not working in simulation #9486
- Detected 0 radio channels. To operate PX4, you need at least 5 channels #9480
- Bug Report: Aberrant Yaw and Loss of Altitude causing Crash #9475
- "make posix_sitl_default gazebo" error #9466
- GPS here+ plus rover is not getting detected #9463
- Tone to start rotation for magnetometer calibration not functioning #9451
- GPS driver debugging best method #9446
- Latest px4 build issue on ubuntu18 #9443
- SITL multi-vehicle data link issue #9439
- MC output not started after back-transition #9437
- when plane disarmed , motor is disarmed ,but rudders are not disarmed #9426
- mavlink_command_sender doesn't transmit messages #9415
- ERROR: object '' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (cannot open shared object file): ignored. #9409
- Frequent large Log Dropouts - Cause? #9403
- Logged local position z setpoint not as expected #9401
- Flow not working anymore with default parameters #9398
- make px3fmu-v2_default failed #9390
- PX4 / QGC Sync on Tuning Sliders #9379
- What will happen if GPS + RC fails? #9336
- MAC: can not SITL SUCCESSFUL #9311
- Error "Mag 0 fail: STALE!" in Pixhawk2.1 + Here GNSS with PX4 v1.7.3 #9184
Merged pull requests:
- Alphabetize the mavlink stream lists in mavlink_main.cpp. #9531 (mcsauder)
- Update issue templates #9529 (dagar)
- Jenkins remove address sanitizer mission test #9524 (dagar)
- simple mixer: make output scalers O: optional and use default values instead #9522 (bkueng)
- Only apply acceptance radius calculation for FW part of back transition #9519 (sanderux)
- Alphabetize #include list in mavlink_receiver.h #9517 (mcsauder)
- Pr crazyflie optflow fix #9514 (DanielePettenuzzo)
- Update submodule sitl_gazebo to latest Wed May 23 01:26:42 UTC 2018 #9512 (dagar)
- Update submodule DriverFramework to latest Wed May 23 01:26:47 UTC 2018 #9511 (dagar)
- Update submodule ecl to latest Wed May 23 01:26:53 UTC 2018 #9510 (dagar)
- initial probot stale configuration #9508 (dagar)
- NuttX build use 'all' target within each lib #9506 (dagar)
- Pr snapdragon follow up #9503 (RomanBapst)
- Updated mavlink submodule #9497 (julianoes)
- add library dependencies for modules #9492 (dagar)
- Nathantsoi omnibusf4sd #9491 (LorenzMeier)
- ecl-ekf-tools: fix a bug related to time index calculation #9489 (JohannesBrand)
- clang-tidy modernize-use-equals-default #9485 (dagar)
- Update submodule ecl to latest Fri May 18 01:26:47 UTC 2018 #9484 (dagar)
- Jenkins run VTOL standard mission test under ASAN #9483 (dagar)
- cmake add bloaty helpers for nuttx and use in Jenkins #9481 (dagar)
- auav-x21 sync with px4fmu-v3 module list #9476 (dagar)
- fix commander: initialize tune_durations #9468 (bkueng)
- Update submodule ecl to latest Mon May 14 20:26:35 CDT 2018 #9465 (dagar)
- Allow astyle version 3.1 #9464 (jlecoeur)
- Crazyflie drivers #9462 (DanielePettenuzzo)
- px_romfs_pruner: reduce multiple consecutive spaces into a single space for mixers #9457 (bkueng)
- fw_att_control set default yaw rate max and update parameter descriptions #9454 (dagar)
- Update submodule sitl_gazebo to latest Fri May 11 2018 #9450 (TSC21)
- lis3mdl driver refactor #9448 (dakejahl)
- Locked down the RTPS UART configuration #9438 (drisebor)
- ekf2 replay: handle multi multiple GPS instances #9433 (bkueng)
- Compilation fixes for GCC 8.0.1 #9430 (bkueng)
- Failsafe params update to reflect current mode names #9429 (hamishwillee)
- Jenkins simple mission code coverage build #9420 (dagar)
- Update submodule genmsg to latest Fri May 4 20:26:30 CDT 2018 #9416 (dagar)
- cmake update option to enable doxygen generation (off by default) #9407 (dagar)
- update to support standalone ECL build inclusion #9406 (dagar)
- Structure Scan - Gimbal Orientation #9405 (mrivi)
- update PX4/ecl submodule to latest master #9400 (dagar)
- mpu9250 allow a 2nd internal spi instance and remove px4fmu-v4 external #9386 (dagar)
- Q attitude estimator improvements #9361 (bkueng)
- adding airframe config for s500 #9342 (barzanisar)
- RTPS test branch #9224 (dagar)
- delete mathlib Vector/Matrix #9181 (dagar)
- airspeed calibration log critical when ports are swapped #9168 (dagar)
Implemented enhancements:
- improve end to end control latency measurement #9388 (dagar)
- lps22hb barometer driver #9383 (dagar)
- Advanced Time Synchronisation #9365 (mhkabir)
- Jenkins add VTOL tiltrotor mission test #9333 (dagar)
- mag_calibration: only allocate as much memory as needed #9312 (potaito)
- cmake remove circular linking and reorganize #9292 (dagar)
- enable -fno-math-errno as we never check errno #9281 (dagar)
- fw_pos_control_l1 don't store TECS and L1 parameters #9202 (dagar)
- Jenkins update flight review title and description #9201 (dagar)
- Jenkins add OSX build #9198 (dagar)
- minor constexpr cleanup #9191 (dagar)
- uORB messages generated pretty print #9149 (dagar)
- mc_pos_control move to matrix lib #9141 (dagar)
- Refactor MC attitude controller: use module base and Param classes #9113 (bkueng)
- Lists ROMFS files explicity instead of using GLOB_RECURSE #9107 (ksschwabe)
- move geo and geo_lookup to PX4/ecl #9105 (dagar)
- Multicopter mixer saturation handling strategy -- continue #9062 (bresch)
- Use filtered throttle for battery voltage compensation #9055 (nanthony21)
- Merge vtol mc motor handling methods #9028 (dagar)
- FlightTasks incremental introduction #8933 (MaEtUgR)
Fixed bugs:
- 2 hard faults (on ground + in air) with PX4FW v1.7.4 #9348
- Tailsitter mission problem #9300
- System is arming (or thinks it is arming) even with Critical warnings (specifically "MAG SENSORS INCONSISTENT") #9155
- MultiRotor: Unstable manual flight #9150
- Update submodule nuttx to latest Sat Apr 28 20:26:31 CDT 2018 #9382 (dagar)
- mavlink: include differential pressure in fields updated bit shift #9296 (tstastny)
- FW landing check if prev valid before using #9284 (dagar)
- Fix possibility of deep discharge when battery inserted and USB connected #9278 (MaEtUgR)
- commander state machine fix preflight and prearm error #9193 (dagar)
- mc_att_control: reenable TPA for I term #9166 (MaEtUgR)
- sensors only publish airspeed if finite #9163 (dagar)
- mc_att_control: revert to tested cutoff frequency #9162 (MaEtUgR)
- coverity fixes #9154 (dagar)
- FW Phantom FPV Flying Wing fix FW_R_RMAX 0 #9135 (dagar)
Closed issues:
- IRlock driver in v1.7.4 Beta #9373
- Pixhawk bricked after trying some custom code #9366
- Unable to start mission ('vehicle not ready') #9353
- Changing EKF2 parameters for handheld testings #9351
- .. #9350
- submodule lib/ecl unable to checkout #9338
- orb_advertise_multi: failed to set queue size #9334
- QGC logging issues with Intel Aero RTF #9332
- gamepad wishlist #9329
- Mistype of the description for the parameter VT_FW_ALT_ERR #9314
- Toilet Bowl #9295
- crazyflie 2.0 cannot get local position from mavros #9291
- Small potential issue with disarming #9277
- When quadrotor moves horizontally, the quadrotor drops continuously until touching the ground. #9265
- arm-none-eabi/bin/ld: region `flash' overflowed by 27353 bytes #9251
- Bug Report:Compiled code error #9250
- Frsky telemetry Bug? #9240
- make is failing for Firmware cloned from version v1.6.5 #9237
- logs not working with qgroundcontrol geotagging #9203
- Indoor Flight Crash(in Stablized mode) based on EKF2 #9194
- Feature Request: Display VTOL status (MC, Transition, FW) on QGC #9188
- Potential bug for EKF2 #9182
- NO position lock in SITL-EKF2 #9178
- Bottle_drop not working in v1.5.4 #9170
- unused args [respawn_gazebo] for include of [/opt/ros/indigo/share/gazebo_ros/launch/empty_world.launch] #9153
- ERROR when make posix_sitl_default gazebo #9145
- Cannot find gps_helper.cpp source file #9124
- QGroundControl daily: No airspeed sensor calibration available #9120
- ROMFS not rebuilt correctly when ROMFS files are 'touch'ed #9093
- Unable to build v1.6.5 for Pixhawk #9091
- EKF baro hgt timeout - reset to baro #9060
- Barometer compilation error- {solved by renaming variables external in bmp280_SPI constructor} #9059
- Makefile:147: recipe for target 'posix_sitl_default' failed #9042
- Unexpected position setpoint during loiter mode after pause #9003
- Quadplane tailsitter #8961
- How to connect mpu9250 to stm32f767zi #8928
- Crazyfly 2.0 on the current master does not connect with QGC #8924
- SYS_COMPANION - update speed #8918
Merged pull requests:
- delete srf02_i2c which is nearly identical to srf02 #9396 (dagar)
- uORB delete unused Flavor #9395 (dagar)
- px4io driver remove unnecessary class fields #9391 (dagar)
- Update MAVLink submodule #9380 (LorenzMeier)
- ecl ekf tools: code refactoring to separate visualization from analysis #9377 (JohannesBrand)
- MC acro: update param descriptions #9374 (bkueng)
- Add support for another MPU9250 or MPU6500 on px4fmu-v4 internal SPI Bus #9372 (AlexKlimaj)
- Fixes for IMU filter settings #9367 (bkueng)
- mc_att_control_main: do not apply the yaw weight for the feedforward term #9360 (bkueng)
- MC: set default MPC_THR_MAX & MPC_MANTHR_MAX to 1 #9359 (bkueng)
- MC acro: add separate params to configure yaw expo #9358 (bkueng)
- tap_esc cleanup - addendum #9356 (potaito)
- Update submodule nuttx to latest Mon Apr 23 01:26:50 UTC 2018 #9354 (dagar)
- mpu9250 wrapper: support updating gyro & accel cutoff via parameter #9344 (RomanBapst)
- libecl: checked out recent commit of master #9339 (potaito)
- Pr tailsitter ci #9330 (RomanBapst)
- FixedWingPositionControl: rotate attitude consistenly for tailsitters #9328 (RomanBapst)
- module template: move documentation to a new category 'template' #9324 (bkueng)
- rc_check: typos in mavlink error #9323 (potaito)
- stop manually defining physical constants #9319 (dagar)
- rcS: do not reset COM_FLTMODE* on airframe change #9317 (bkueng)
- Fix description of VT_FW_ALT_ERR #9315 (hamishwillee)
- tap_esc cleanup #9313 (potaito)
- Jenkins set CCACHE_BASEDIR on Mac #9308 (dagar)
- Update submodule sitl_gazebo to latest Fri Apr 13 20:26:27 CDT 2018 #9306 (dagar)
- Update submodule mavlink v2.0 to latest Fri Apr 13 20:26:31 CDT 2018 #9305 (dagar)
- Update submodule DriverFramework to latest Fri Apr 13 20:26:36 CDT 2018 #9304 (dagar)
- Update submodule ecl to latest Fri Apr 13 20:26:41 CDT 2018 #9303 (dagar)
- move check stack to cmake and run in Jenkins #9302 (dagar)
- [RFC] improve readability of time literals #9299 (bkueng)
- logger: remove some unneeded SITL topics #9294 (bkueng)
- mavlink : fix pointer for main_mode and sub_mode #9290 (mhkabir)
- Flight task auto params #9287 (Stifael)
- trivial: improve a quaternion control comment #9285 (MaEtUgR)
- px4iofirmware use std NAN instead of undefined 0.0f/0.0f #9280 (dagar)
- NuttX cleanup debug helpers and add profile target #9272 (dagar)
- tests temporarily disable mavlink tests on nuttx #9269 (dagar)
- Update submodule mavlink v2.0 to latest Sun Apr 8 20:31:34 CDT 2018 #9268 (dagar)
- update px4fmu_test and add px4fmu-v2_test to Jenkins #9264 (dagar)
- Add new mode AUTO_PRECLAND #9261 (okalachev)
- Flight tasks: param refactoring #2 #9255 (bkueng)
- commander: immediately publish kill switch state change #9254 (bkueng)
- ll40ls: Increase the number of samples used for every measurement #9247 (CarlOlsson)
- Improve the Crazyflie MAVLink tunnel to increase efficiency #9245 (LorenzMeier)
- clarify the codes of LPE #9244 (stmoon)
- logger: add board subtype #9239 (bkueng)
- Jenkins bloaty sort output by size properly #9238 (dagar)
- tailsitter: do not condition transition on airspeed if airspeed disabled #9236 (RomanBapst)
- FixedWingAttitudeControl: use trim airspeed if airspeed is disabled #9235 (RomanBapst)
- gitmodules make name consistent with path #9231 (dagar)
- update submodules to tracking branch in gitmodules #9230 (dagar)
- Update submodule sitl_gazebo to latest Mon Apr 2 17:13:58 UTC 2018 #9229 (dagar)
- Jenkins split eagle_default build and print bloaty top 100 comparison #9228 (dagar)
- Jenkins Style Check skip submodules clean #9227 (dagar)
- Clean-up :remove the EKF pre-flight check variable that is not used in commander. #9226 (xdwgood)
- Fix typo in spelling of Sonar #9225 (hamishwillee)
- Update submodule matrix to latest Sun Apr 1 21:55:42 UTC 2018 #9223 (dagar)
- Update submodule DriverFramework to latest Sun Apr 1 18:11:03 UTC 2018 #9221 (dagar)
- gitmodules add tracking branch to genmsg, gencpp, libuavcan #9220 (dagar)
- Update submodule uavcan_board_ident to latest Sun Apr 1 17:34:37 UTC… #9217 (dagar)
- Update submodule mavlink v2.0 to latest Sun Apr 1 13:31:08 EDT 2018 #9216 (dagar)
- Update submodule matrix to latest Sun Apr 1 17:27:33 UTC 2018 #9215 (dagar)
- Update submodule ecl to latest Sun Apr 1 17:26:07 UTC 2018 #9214 (dagar)
- Update sitl_gazebo submodule Sun Apr 1 00:19:14 UTC 2018 #9209 (dagar)
- CI: mavros restart #9207 (lamping7)
- FW SITL enable FW EKF2 default parameters #9205 (dagar)
- docker images update to 2018-03-30 tag #9204 (dagar)
- Jenkins discard old builds, but keep artifacts #9199 (dagar)
- Jenkins check style first #9197 (dagar)
- Move some constant arrays from data to text section #9187 (bkueng)
- vtol_att_control: set flag in_transition_to_fw properly #9186 (RomanBapst)
- sitl_gazebo: update submodule #9177 (julianoes)
- Add internal SPI LIS3MDL support for the R15 Pixracer #9175 (pkocmoud)
- tap_esc: add support for MC_AIRMODE #9173 (bkueng)
- Drivers: Add TeraRanger Evo 600Hz support #9169 (msadowski)
- add settling time on sensor start-up #9164 (ASM3)
- mc_att_control: refactor: switch to matrix library #9161 (MaEtUgR)
- mavlink altitude fix and general cleanup #9158 (dagar)
- add timestamp for sensor_preflight #9152 (stmoon)
- airspeed driver: un-advertise differential pressure topic #9147 (RomanBapst)
- Jenkins add px4fmu bloaty comparison with last successful master build #9142 (dagar)
- jMAVSim: update submodule #9140 (bkueng)
- Jenkins run bloaty on px4fmu nuttx builds #9133 (dagar)
- Support of HITL simulation for Intel Aero FC #9132 (trgiman)
- mavlink move to matrix lib #9131 (dagar)
- navigator follow_target move to matrix lib #9130 (dagar)
- sensors move to matrix lib #9129 (dagar)
- uuv_example_app move to matrix lib #9128 (dagar)
- camera_trigger replace math::Vector with matrix::Vector #9126 (dagar)
- MPU6000: unadvertises the accel and gyro uORB topics in destructor #9125 (ksschwabe)
- update vtol mission tests to increase length #9123 (dagar)
- wind_estimator fix LPWORK/HPWORK confusion and cleanup #9122 (dagar)
- drivers replace math::Vector\<3> with matrix::Vector3f #9121 (dagar)
- libtunes: Various bugfixes and improvements #9117 (potaito)
- Refactor: replace BlockParam's with the new Param class #9115 (bkueng)
- convergence config: increase multirotor idle speed #9112 (RomanBapst)
- fw_att_control move to matrix lib #9104 (dagar)
- delete tailsitter_recovery #9103 (dagar)
- mathlib Limits move radians/degrees to template header #9102 (dagar)
- TECS and L1 switch to matrix math library #9101 (dagar)
- Fix scale application on FW throttle baro compensation #9099 (sanderux)
- Pr wind est work queue #9079 (RomanBapst)
- precland: support receiving LANDING_TARGET message #9050 (okalachev)
- aerofc: Look for px4flow sensor on telemetry port #8994 (sugnanprabhu)
- FMUv5: Swap debug and PX4 IO serial ports to avoid DMA channel issues #8978 (LorenzMeier)
- Jenkins cleanup #8887 (dagar)
Implemented enhancements:
- EKF2 only publish wind_estimate if wind velocity is being estimated #9081 (dagar)
- ecl: attitude_fw update #9023 (tstastny)
- Updated batt_smbus. Expanded battery_status.msg. Fixed mavlink_messages.cpp temperature. #8991 (AlexKlimaj)
- FW landing project virtual waypoint to handle landing overshoot #8985 (dagar)
- fw_att_control: schedule trims for airspeed and flap deployment #8937 (tstastny)
- MC rate controller: add low-pass filter for D-term #8920 (bkueng)
Fixed bugs:
- pwm test has no effect after version 1.5.x #9052
- Not able to give full throttle in fw acro #9043
- Intel Aero RTF: no baro0, no mag0 #9038
- Auto takeoff settles at wrong altitude #9033
- logger causing mavlink manual control dropouts #9009
- tailsitter fly forward and fall suddenly #8997
- Dropix loosing LSM303D after Reboot #8992
- VTOL goes into deadlock when in manual transition #8988
- Support for reading second GPS instance is broken #8945
- Battery Estimation Initialization on some Platforms like Intel Aero Fails #8930
- When SDLOG_MODE = 2 or 1 (from boot) Not all parameters are recorded #8903
- Log files are corrupted while running landing_target_estimator #8877
- px4fmu v2 sensor init (again) and cleanup #9074 (dagar)
- px4fmu-v2 sensor reset #9031 (dagar)
- land detector vtol require non-zero vehicle_status timestamp #9026 (dagar)
- FixedwingPositionControl: fix air_gnd_angle judgement condition. #8996 (ToppingXu)
- vtol_att update poll fd before poll call #8990 (dagar)
- ecl: Fixes bug preventing use of GPS reported speed accuracy #8981 (priseborough)
- Pr aero battery initialization hotfix #8940 (MaEtUgR)
- Use ekf2 version with external vision nav axis transformation bug fixes #8935 (priseborough)
- Battery: Switch thrust based load compensation back to linear #8929 (MaEtUgR)
- commander delete GPS receiver checks and minor cleanup #8914 (dagar)
- fw_pos_control_l1 move to ModuleBase #8905 (dagar)
- fw_att_control move to ModuleBase #8899 (dagar)
Closed issues:
- Feature Request: Flight Mode Selection #9106
- make px4fmu-v2_default does not work on Windows #9087
- Implement ROI_WPNEXT_OFFSET #9082
- 【mc_att_control】 Remove unnecessary defaults. #9077
- Coax pitch and roll servo travel very limited #9063
- Pixhawk/PX4FMUv2 startup without external mag fails #9061
- Cannot see landing_target_estimator in QGroundControl #9040
- Mag0 devid error on Pixracer RC14 #9035
- EKF2_AID_MASK: rotate external vision in 1.7.3 #9000
- VTOL: VT_DWN_PITCH_MAX and VT_FWD_THRUST_SC does not apply. #8970
- VTOL: Could not transition with Ground Speed. #8969
- When hovering for some time, the drone start to rock then crash. #8968
- vtol_att_control parameter consolidation #8965
- The filter for the D-term should be enabled by default #8962
- Failsafe enabled: no global position #8956
- Operator error #8949
- VTOL: Position and Mission Reproducible Stall. #8941
- 'make posix_sitl_default gazebo' exiting with Error 1 #8938
- Flight Issues for Q_estimator + LPE #8934
- OcPoc: unable to arm with global position #8932
- accelerometer_timestamp_relative is always '0' #8926
- [SITL crash] px4 node crashes on startup #8925
- VTOL: Descending back transition problem. #8919
- RC transmitter must be on when PX4 starts #8872
Merged pull requests:
- shadow declaration issue. #9100 (shivam5594)
- Adds ability for to process out-of-tree uORB message definitions as well #9097 (ksschwabe)
- libtunes improvements #9096 (potaito)
- Beat's changes to make QGC connect with crazyflie #9095 (barzanisar)
- Beat's changes in syslink work so reverting this #9094 (barzanisar)
- This makes QGC connect with crazyflie #9090 (barzanisar)
- Attitude control: clarify comment about yaw feed forward #9086 (MaEtUgR)
- vmount: Implement ROI_WPNEXT_OFFSET #9084 (bkueng)
- update submodule to include changes in the ASLUAV BMS message #9083 (ASM3)
- Updated batt_smbus. #9080 (AlexKlimaj)
- move constant driver I2C addresses out of board configs #9076 (dagar)
- eclipse project add paths for new params #9075 (dagar)
- Adds ability to have out-of-tree uORB message definitions #9073 (ksschwabe)
- Update IMU gyro and D term filter defaults #9070 (bkueng)
- Update mavlink submodule to include ASL_PWR_BRD #9069 (ASM3)
- Fix: Increase pwmsim stack again to avoid load_mon warning #9068 (philipoe)
- rc.sensors : fix startup for lidars on Pixhawk boards #9058 (mhkabir)
- nxphlite start correct sensors and disable debug #9057 (dagar)
- UAVCAN : Correct startup sequence and improve parameter description #9053 (mhkabir)
- Remove MavLink dependency in navigator #9049 (acfloria)
- fw_att_control: in acro use thrust from rate setpoint topic #9048 (RomanBapst)
- px4-fmuv5: config fix stm32f7 max SD card speed #9044 (simonegu)
- navigator: fix incorrect takeoff altitude #9034 (julianoes)
- logger SITL add additional messages by default #9027 (dagar)
- convergence config: increase idle speed in mc mode #9024 (RomanBapst)
- GPS: explicitly disable flow control #9019 (bkueng)
- vehicle_global_position remove redundant evh and evv #9018 (dagar)
- vehicle_global_position delete unused pos_d_deriv #9016 (dagar)
- differential pressure sensors delete test helpers #9015 (dagar)
- delete VT_FW_PITCH_TRIM parameter #9014 (dagar)
- px4fmu-v2 disable ulanding #9013 (dagar)
- gnd_att_control param fix incorrect FW metadata #9011 (dagar)
- Jenkins archive elf files as well #9010 (dagar)
- Fixed typo in rear motor name #9008 (cglusky)
- pwm_out_sim cleanup #9007 (dagar)
- Update mavlink v2.0 submodule Sun Mar 4 07:43:12 UTC 2018 #9006 (dagar)
- EKF2 remove FW_ARSP_MODE check #8995 (dagar)
- caipirinha vtol: do not lock elevons in hover mode #8993 (RomanBapst)
- vtol_att_control: prevent segfault when no command line args given #8989 (RomanBapst)
- Pr tailsitter fix #8987 (RomanBapst)
- Mavlink: round battery percentage up instead of down #8986 (MaEtUgR)
- CI: convert missions to QGC plan format #8982 (lamping7)
- logger: fix potential semaphore counter overflow #8979 (bkueng)
- Pr tiltrotor param cleanup #8974 (RomanBapst)
- updated sitl_gazebo: small tiltrotor fix to enable turns #8972 (RomanBapst)
- VTOL parameter cleanup #8967 (RomanBapst)
- jMAVSim: update submodule again #8964 (julianoes)
- Update mavlink v2.0 submodule Sat Feb 24 02:43:15 EST 2018 #8960 (dagar)
- Update jmavsim submodule Sat Feb 24 23:05:44 CST 2018 #8959 (dagar)
- vtol fixes #8958 (sanderux)
- Backport backup register #8953 (simonegu)
- mavlink: don't send wrong time #8952 (julianoes)
- Pr pwm trim #8951 (RomanBapst)
- Battery: Correct unit for capacity parameter #8950 (MaEtUgR)
- update submodule sitl_gazebo to include isinf() fix #8948 (ChristophTobler)
- mavlink add minimal mode #8947 (dagar)
- Update nuttx #8944 (janokle)
- Update CMakeLists for the drivers/imu directory. #8942 (mcsauder)
- tune_control: added define for tune strength #8939 (julianoes)
- Pr tiltrotor sim #8936 (RomanBapst)
- RC input: allow disabling the RC filtering via RC_FLT_CUTOFF #8921 (bkueng)
- sitl_gazebo: updated submodule #8917 (julianoes)
- rcS move logger startup to rc.logging and end of init #8904 (dagar)
- Don't use ADSB messages with undefined fields in navigator #8900 (svpcom)
- Decode mavlink message obstacle_distance #8896 (mrivi)
- enable aux mixer for FMU-v5 #8895 (bkueng)
- mavlink_receiver: add evh/evv to vision msg #8890 (ChristophTobler)
- Add aerofc baudrate to list #8889 (avinash-palleti)
- To include timestamp field in the micrortps bridge messages. #8888 (vicentemonge)
- Jenkins temporarily disable ROS vtol mission test old 3 #8886 (dagar)
- printload: fix buffer overflow on NuttX #8884 (bkueng)
- Add AERT mixer #8881 (acfloria)
- microRTPS_bridge: mark task as not running when running stop() #8880 (ChristophTobler)
- CI: mission WP reached - satisfy based on mavros topics instead of di… #8879 (lamping7)
- Pr tailsitter fixes #8878 (RomanBapst)
- Update rc.sensors : mRo X2.1 to enable the LIS3MDL #8875 (pkocmoud)
- mission: warn at 2/3 of the max distance #8873 (julianoes)
* This Change Log was automatically generated by github_changelog_generator
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