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Published July 26, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Database: Influence of large-scale freestream turbulence on bypass transition in air and organic vapour flows

  • 1. ROR icon École nationale supérieure d'arts et métiers
  • 2. ROR icon Sorbonne Université


This is an open-access database of numerical simulations of freestream-turbulence induced transitions of zero-pressure-gradient flat plates boundary layers. The data have been collected at Arts et Metiers Institute of Technology, at DynFluid laboratory, in the period 2021-2024 within the REGAL-ORC project- REal GAs effects on Loss mechanisms of ORC turbine flows, a project in collaboration with FH Münster in Germany.

Work related to the database is published in Journal of Fluid Mechanics, under the title: "Influence of large-scale freestream turbulence on bypass transition in air and organic vapour flows". The aims of this work was to investigate freestream-turbulence induced transitions, in particular under relatively large integral length scale, of air and organic vapors boundary layers.

This version contains evolutions of averaged quantities in the streamwise direction, along with profiles and spectra in the boundary layer for all the different simulations performed. This database is supplemented with python codes to read the data and descriptions of the data in the headers and README files.


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REGAL-ORC – REal-GAs effects on Loss mechanisms of ORC turbine flows ANR-20-CE92-0019
Agence Nationale de la Recherche

