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Published March 6, 2013 | Version 1.0
Dataset Restricted

TONAS: a dataset of flamenco a cappella sung melodies with corresponding manual transcriptions

  • 1. Universidad de Sevilla


This dataset contains a music collection of 72 sung excerpts representative of three a cappella singing styles (Deblas, two variants of Martinete).
The distribution is as follows:

  • 16 Deblas
  • 36 Martinete 1
  • 20 Martinete 2

This collection was built in the context of a study on similarity and style classification of flamenco a cappella singing styles (Tonas) by the flamenco expert Dr. Joaquin Mora, Universidad de Sevilla.

We refer to (Mora et al. 2010) for a comprehensive description of the considered styles and their musical characteristics. All 72 excerpts are monophonic, their average duration is 30 seconds and there is enough variability for a proper evaluation of our methods, including a variety of singers, recording conditions, presence of percussion, clapping, background voices and noise.

We also provide manual melodic transcriptions, generated by the COFLA team and Cristina López Gómez.

Using this dataset

When TONAS is used for academic research, we would highly appreciate if scientific publications of works partly based on the TONAS dataset quote the following publication:

Music material

Mora, J., Gomez, F., Gomez, E., Escobar-Borrego, F.J., Diaz-Banez, J.M. (2010). Melodic Characterization and Similarity in A Cappella Flamenco Cantes. 11th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2010).


Gomez, E., Bonada, J. (in Press). Towards Computer-Assisted Flamenco Transcription: An Experimental Comparison of Automatic Transcription Algorithms As Applied to A Cappella Singing. Computer Music Journal.

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Dataset by COFLA team. Copyright © 2012 COFLA project, Universidad de Sevilla.
Distribution rights granted to Music Technology Group, Universitat Pompeu Fabra.  All Rights Reserved.
The TONAS dataset is offered free of charge for internal non-commercial use only.  You may not redistribute, publically communicate or modify it, unless expressly permitted by the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) or by applicable law. The individual contents of the dataset may be protected by copyright, and a non-transferrable limited license to reproduce and use the same is granted for the indicated purpose only.
The dataset and its contents are made available on an “as is” basis and without warranties of any kind, including without limitation satisfactory quality and conformity, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy or completeness, or absence of errors. Subject to any liability that may not be excluded or limited by law, the UPF is not liable for, and expressly excludes, all liability for loss or damage however and whenever caused to anyone by any use of the TONAS dataset or any part of it.

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