Published June 11, 2018 | Version 20180601
Dataset Open

Parallel Translations from the English Wiktionary

  • 1. Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History


Parallel translations from English words and expressions as extracted from the English Wiktionary (database version of 2018-06-01). The data includes 2,169,063 different entries from the translation of 149,530 English words and expressions in 2,358 languages (with much variation in vocabulary size among languages: 931 languages have only one entry and German, the largest language after English, 97,091 entries). Data is offered in a tabular textual format, and all entries include (a) a unique ID, (b) a concept ID referring to the source English word, (c) a description string with the English source and a short definition (such as “dictionary/publication that explains the meanings of an ordered list of words“), (d) a language ID from the Glottolog catalog, (e) the text of the translation as given in the Wiktionary, and (f) an extra field holding complementary information, when available (such as phonetic transcription of the text, noun gender, etc.). Data is also offer in a set of files (tabular textual files, bibtex sources, and JSON metadata) following the Cross-Linguistic Data Formats (CLDF), a specification designed to allow the exchange of cross-linguistic data.

Code for the extraction is available at and a longer description in a blog post of our group, at


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European Commission
CALC – Computer-Assisted Language Comparison: Reconciling Computational and Classical Approaches in Historical Linguistics 715618