Published December 31, 2014 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Ommatius huoae Zhang, Zhang & Yang, 2014, sp. nov.

  • 1. Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China; E-mail: tolily @ 126. com
  • 2. Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, China


3.2 Ommatius huoae sp. nov. (Figs 7–13, 20)

Diagnosis. Ommatius huoae is distinguished from local congeners by femora wholly black and O. fulvimanus (Oldroyd, 1972) by the unusually long postocular bristles which extends to ocellar tubercle and the distinctive shape of the epandrium (Figs 7–8). O. huoae sp. nov. is also diagnosed by: postocular bristles black; antenna black, all coxae black; all femora black and hind femur with 5 stout yellow bristles ventrally (1/2 as long as greatest vertical height of femur).

Description. Male. Body length 4.5 mm, wing length 6 mm.

Head. Black. Face pale gray tomentose, black hairs and 6 black bristles; mystax with largely thin, pale bristles; frons black, several short brown hairs laterally; occiput black, pale gray tomentose, pale and black haired, longer and denser ventrally; postocular bristles black, 6 strong bristles curved forward to ocellar tubercle. Antenna black, scape and pedicel bristles black; postpedicel half as long as combined length of scape and pedicel. Proboscis black, pale haired basally and apically; palpus black, hairs and bristles black.

Thorax. Black, pale gray tomentose. Pronotum pale haired; hairs of humeri, propleuron, anepisternum and katepisternum longer. Mesonotum black, short black haired; 5 dc, 2 npl, 2 spa, 1 pal, all black. Scutellum black, disc pale haired, 2 strong black marginal bristles. Anepisternal hairs short, black; 3 long pale metanepisternal bristles, 11 black and 2 pale katatergal bristles. Wing hyaline, brownish tinged; crossvein r-m beyond middle of discal cell. Anal cell closed, short stalk. Halter yellow.

Legs. Largely black. Coxae black. Fore coxa with pale hairs and bristles anteriorly and apically, mid coxa pale and black haired apically, hind coxa with 1 pale bristle medially and pale hairs apically. Femora black. Fore femur with 1 black bristle at basal 1/4 anteriorly, 1 black bristle at middle posteriorly, ventral hairs pale (longest ones as long as greatest vertical height of femur); mid femur with 2 black bristles anteriorly, 1 black bristle at basal 1/4 anteriorly, 1 black bristle posteriorly, row of ventral hairs black (shorter than greatest vertical height of femur) and pale; hind femur with 1 pale and 1 black bristles anteriorly, 5 stout yellow bristles ventrally (1/2 as long as greatest vertical height of femur). Tibiae brownish-yellow, dorsal surface anteriorly and apex blackish brown, hairs and bristles of tibiae black. Fore tibia with 3 pv, 2 long strong v; mid tibia with 2 ad, 2 av, row of 4 yellow pv and 1 strong v; hind tibia with 2 ad, 1 av and 5 pa. Tarsi black, hairs and bristles black.

Abdomen. Black, lateral and posterior margin of segments brownish-yellow, hairs pale and black. Pale bristles on lateral portion of tergite 1 strong and long. Male genitalia (Figs 7–13). Epandrium long and obtuse apically in lateral view, bulbous apically in dorsal view; hypandrium concaved medially in ventral view; gonocoxite obtuse apically in lateral view.

Female. Unknown.

Type material. Holotype male, Hainan, Jianfengling, Mingfenggu, 25 April 2007, Shan Huo.

Etymology. The species is named in honor of the collector Dr. Huo.

Distribution. China (Hainan).


Published as part of Zhang, Li-Li, Zhang, Kui-Yan & Yang, Ding, 2014, Three new species of the genus Ommatius Wiedemann from Hainan, China (Diptera: Asilidae), pp. 561-569 in Zoological Systematics 39 (4) on page 565, DOI: 10.11865/zs.20140409,


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Zhang & Zhang & Yang
Taxonomic status
sp. nov.
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Ommatius huoae Zhang, Zhang & Yang, 2014