CEDS v_2024_07_08 Release Emission Data
Emissions data files by emission species (SO2, NOx, BC, OC, NH3, NMVOC, CO, CO2, CH4, N2O), country, sector, and fuel produced by the July-08-2024 release of CEDS.
See the CEDS GitHub site for details including journal paper reference information and any known issues with this data.
The three file bundles are:
CEDS_v_2024_07_08_aggregate.zip (emissions by sector, by country, by fuel, by country and fuel, by country and sector, and by sector and fuel)
CEDS_v_2024_07_08_detailed.zip (emissions by country, sector, and fuel)
CEDS_v_2024_07_08_supplementary_bunkers.zip (Additional detail for aviation and shipping by country)
Associated gridded data for this release will be available on ESGF shortly.(Metadata for this record is still under construction...)