Published February 28, 2023 | Version,Vol15,Issue2,Article26.pdf
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A Cross -Sectional Study of the Factors Influencing Satisfaction of the Quality of Antenatal Care Services in Health Facilities

  • 1. Tutor, Department of Community Medicine, PMCH, Patna, Bihar, India
  • 2. Tutor, Department of Physiology, NMCH, Patna, Bihar, India
  • 3. Tutor, Department of Pathology, NMCH, Patna, Bihar, India
  • 4. Professor & Head Of Department of Community Medicine, PMCH, Patna Bihar, India


Aim: The objective of this study was to determine factors influencing the quality of ANC services in health facilities in Patna. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Patna.  Random sampling was used for sampling procedure. All households of mothers having the youngest child of 3 years and below were visited. All respondents who did not consent or unwilling to participate; aged below 18 years; incapable of answering the questionnaires were excluded from the study. A  total of 1000 women gave their consent for participation. Results: The mean (SD) age was 28.3 (6.1) years ranging from 18 to 49 years. 55% of females were in the age group 20-29 followed by 55% in the age group 30-39. 76%  of them were housewives  and the rest were engaged in other jobs.  The majority of the respondents made more than nine antenatal visit during their last pregnancy (73%) followed by 5–8 times (20%) and only 7 % had 1–4 times antenatal visits. 60% of them booked antenatal visit before the third month followed by 32% who booked between 3 and 5 months of gestation.  39% were attended by both doctor and nurse. On an average 18 min were required to attend the clinic. It was reported that 19% did not have any out of pocket expenses. Conclusion: The study concludes that ANC services provision has an influence on the expectant mothers’ satisfaction.




Abstract (English)

Aim: The objective of this study was to determine factors influencing the quality of ANC services in health facilities in Patna. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study conducted in Patna.  Random sampling was used for sampling procedure. All households of mothers having the youngest child of 3 years and below were visited. All respondents who did not consent or unwilling to participate; aged below 18 years; incapable of answering the questionnaires were excluded from the study. A  total of 1000 women gave their consent for participation. Results: The mean (SD) age was 28.3 (6.1) years ranging from 18 to 49 years. 55% of females were in the age group 20-29 followed by 55% in the age group 30-39. 76%  of them were housewives  and the rest were engaged in other jobs.  The majority of the respondents made more than nine antenatal visit during their last pregnancy (73%) followed by 5–8 times (20%) and only 7 % had 1–4 times antenatal visits. 60% of them booked antenatal visit before the third month followed by 32% who booked between 3 and 5 months of gestation.  39% were attended by both doctor and nurse. On an average 18 min were required to attend the clinic. It was reported that 19% did not have any out of pocket expenses. Conclusion: The study concludes that ANC services provision has an influence on the expectant mothers’ satisfaction.






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