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Published July 22, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Unfolding English Teachers' Dilemma in the New Normal: A Narrative Inquiry




This paper focuses on the qualitative methods used to examine English Teachers’ dilemma in the new normal. The qualitative nature of this study reveals the lived experiences of the English teachers and how they dealt with efficiency of the new modality during pandemic time, also share their insights about their struggles and dilemmas in the new normal. The methods used included administration of pre/post-survey; interviews with the English teachers; and analysis. Analysis of the data reveals the proposed flow of data collection procedures which inclined to the phases of Thematic Analysis by Braun and Clark, given: familiarization, generating initial codes, create the initial themes, naming and defining the themes, and lastly writing the final report. The analysis also anchored on Labov’s Natural Narrative Model. The implications for this study reveal the English teachers’ dilemma and challenges in the new normal through sharing their lived experiences. Various methods used to conduct research in natural setting. Summary and findings of the study expressed the teachers’ lived experiences about their struggles and dilemmas in the new normal. The common dilemma English teachers have encountered is the communication between the teacher and the student, the minimal technical assistance, and the learning materials (limited) that should be used to carry out the learning goals.


Keywords: Teachers’ dilemma, Narrative inquiry, new normal, Covid-19 pandemic


✅ IMJRISE V1(7) 259-267 - 28 Unfolding English Teachers.pdf

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