Published July 22, 2024 | Version v1
Poster Open

(Meta) Data Standards for agricultural research data management and approaches towards evaluation. An overview.

  • 1. ROR icon German National Library of Medicine
  • 2. ROR icon Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft


The poster presents different building blocks of FAIRagros metadata landscape, developed by Measure 3.1 and Measure 3.2.

          The Standards Inventory offers FAIRagro users the possibility to find existing standards (e.g. metadata schemas, terminologies) to use for describing their research, making it FAIRer.

          FAIRagros FAIR Assessment evaluates automated approaches for analyzing the current FAIRness of participating Research Data Infrastructures in the project to identify ways of improvement.

          To increase the Findability of agrosystem resources such as datasets, FAIRagro works on extending, a lightweight vocabulary consumed by search engines, by contributing to Bioschemas.



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FAIRagro 501899475
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft