Published April 1, 2023 | Version v1
Journal article Open

A Case of Thalassemia Trait Misdiagnosed as Iron Deficiency Anemia


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Thalassemia trait is a common inherited disorder characterized by microcytic, hypochromic anemia, often misdiagnosed as iron deficiency anemia (IDA). This report describes a 3-year-old boy with persistent anemia unresponsive to oral iron therapy. Initial laboratory findings suggested IDA, but further investigation using the Mentzer index (MCV/RBC) indicated thalassemia trait. The diagnosis was confirmed by hemoglobin electrophoresis showing elevated Hb A2 levels. Discontinuation of iron supplementation and initiation of folic acid therapy led to clinical improvement. This case underscores the importance of the Mentzer index in differentiating thalassemia trait from IDA, ensuring accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Prompt recognition and correct diagnosis are essential for effective management and better patient outcomes.


Mentzer index in thalassemia trait case report.pdf

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