Published July 19, 2024
| Version v2
Mapping between zbMATH Open identifiers, DOIs, ORCIDs and arXiv identifiers
- 1. FIZ Karlsruhe - Leibniz Institute for Information Infrastructure, Berlin, Germany
The second version of the mapping between zbMATH Open identifiers for authors and documents and DOIs and ORCIDs in CSV format.
- The file authors.csv contains the mapping between zbMATH Open author id and ORCIDs for 38 159 authors.
- The file documents.csv contains the mapping between zbMATH Open document id and DOI for 2 813 563 documents.
Beginning from this version, we also provide the mapping between documents and arXiv in CSV format
- The file arxiv.csv contains the mapping between zbMATH Open document id and arXiv identifiers for 528 640 documents.
See (section Full Text Links) for a live version of this dataset. That version is more current but less reproducible. Moreover, the dataset here is restricted to documents with a permanent zbMATH Open identifier in the form Zbl d+.d+