Published July 18, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Relevance of Bullet Theory in the Era of Social-media: Paradigms, Trends and the Implications


The study aims at examining the relevance of Magic bullet theory in the era of social media. The study was predicated on the Magic Bullet Theory (MBT). The objectives, amongst others, were to examine the basic tenets and the arguments against the MBT, as well as the relevance of the MBT in the social media era. The study utilised secondary data. Findings indicate that MBT is still relevant and that social media has energised the relevance, amongst others. The study also found that despite the argument against MBT which is to the effect that humans are not robots that choiceless-react in a predetermined manner, the incidents considered in this work, debunked that argument, giving credence to the existence of the MBT in the social media era (Digital age). Based on the forgoing, the study, amongst others, recommends introduction to factcheck information, as well as measures to curb Fake news and disinformation that often-times generate hysteric effects likened to the one espoused by the tenets of the MBT.



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