Published July 13, 2021 | Version v1
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Towards a global list of accepted species III. Independence and stakeholder inclusion


Conix, Stijn, Garnett, Stephen T., Thiele, Kevin R., Christidis, Les, van Dijk, Peter Paul, Bánki, Olaf S., Barik, Saroj K., Buckeridge, John S., Costello, Mark J., Hobern, Donald, Kirk, Paul M., Lien, Aaron, Nikolaeva, Svetlana, Pyle, Richard L., Thomson, Scott A., Zhang, Zhi-Qiang, Zachos, Frank E. (2021): Towards a global list of accepted species III. Independence and stakeholder inclusion. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 21 (4): 631-643, DOI: 10.1007/s13127-021-00496-x, URL:



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