Published July 13, 2024 | Version v3
Patent Open

PhD scholarship is an honour of a PhD candidate, PhD scholarship is comparatively lower paid job, PhD scholarship is a self-sacrifice and future investment for achieving a quality PhD degree in a quality schooling platform

  • 1. RMIT University


Key note of report

This report was forwarded to Brunswick police station (, Melbourne, Australia for victim statement of Engr. Md. Anowar Hossain, PhD researcher, School of Fashion & Textiles, RMIT University. It was requested to police officer for forwarding to Australian Supreme court in Australia. The life-threatening, hidden life-threatening, conspiracy of killing PhD candidate, harassment and corruption are the obstacle of quality PhD education and a continuous breaching of Australian PhD schooling. The unethical and hidden life-threatening has been focused to eliminate PhD obstacle at PhD school funded by Australian Government RTP Stipend Scholarship. The matter was a long-term discussion process with RMIT university, a concern office of Professor (Dr.) Rajiv Padhye, School of Fashion & Textiles, RMIT University who tried to kill Engr. Md. Anowar Hossain, PhD researcher, School of fashion & Textiles, RMIT University again and again. Presently life-threatening/conspiracy of killing PhD candidate issue is converted to the cancelation of PhD enrolment. Therefore, Md. Anowar Hossain is seeking the support of Australian Supreme Court for right assessment and ensuring PhD degree of Md. Anowar Hossain, ensuring non-paid PhD scholarship when I worked full time under the discussion process of conspiracy of killing PhD candidate and right attachment with PhD supervisors, right submission of PhD reporting in PhD school.


PhD scholarship is an honour_Ver3_13 July 2024.pdf

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