Published July 12, 2024 | Version v1
Presentation Open

Global trends in scientific debates on trustworthy and ethical Artificial Intelligence and Education


This presentation of the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) on Ethical AI and Education was held at the International AIED Conference 2024 in Recife, Brazil on 12th of July 2024. The pre-print of the SLR on Ethical AI and Education is available at: The final official publication of the SLR in the AIED 2024 Proceedings is available at:

The SLR paper presents a systematic review of the scientific literature on trustworthy and ethical Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Education (AI&ED), including both AI applied in education to support teaching and learning (AIED), as well as education about AI (AI literacy). Key interest is the identification of global trends with a special focus on unbalanced disparities. Strictly following the standardised protocol and the underlying PRISMA approach, 324 records were identified and selected according to the pre-defined protocol for the systematic review. Finally, 62 articles were included in the quantitative and qualitative analysis in response to four research questions: Which (i) journals, (ii) disciplines, and (iii) regions are leading scientific debates and sustainable developments in education and trustworthy/ethical AI, and (iv) what are the past trends? The articles revealed an unbalanced distribution across the various dimensions, together with an exponential growth over recent years. Building upon our analysis, we argue for an increase in interdisciplinary research that shifts the focus from the currently dominant technological focus towards a more human-centered (educational and societal) focus. Only through such a development AI can contribute effectively to the UN Sustainable Development Goal no. 4 of a world with equitable and universal access to quality education. The results of our systematic review provide the basis to address and facilitate equality in the future AI&ED progress across regions worldwide.



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