There is a newer version of the record available.

Published July 12, 2024 | Version 2.0.0
Dataset Open

Image segmentations produced by BAMF under the AIMI Annotations initiative


The Imaging Data Commons (IDC)( [1] connects researchers with publicly available cancer imaging data, often linked with other types of cancer data. Many of the collections have limited annotations due to the expense and effort required to create these manually. The increased capabilities of AI analysis of radiology images provides an opportunity to augment existing IDC collections with new annotation data. To further this goal, we trained several nnUNet [2] based models for a variety of radiology segmentation tasks from public datasets and used them to generate segmentations for IDC collections.

To validate the models performance, roughly 10% of the predictions were manually reviewed and corrected by both a board certified radiologist and a medical student (non-expert). Additionally, this non-expert looked at all the ai predictions and rated them on a 5 point Likert scale .

This record provides the AI segmentations, Manually corrected segmentations, and Manual scores for the inspected IDC Collection images.

This work was done in two stages. Versions 1.x of this record were from the first stage. Versions 2.x added additional records. In the Version 2.x additions, the Likert scores were not reported by the manual reviewers.

File Overview

  • Segment Description: brain tumor regions: necrosis, edema, enhancing
  • IDC Collection: UPENN-GBM
  • Links: model weights, github


Likert Score Definition:

  • 5 Strongly Agree - Use-as-is (i.e., clinically acceptable, and could be used for treatment without change)
  • 4 Agree - Minor edits that are not necessary. Stylistic differences, but not clinically important. The current segmentation is acceptable
  • 3 Neither agree nor disagree - Minor edits that are necessary. Minor edits are those that the review judges can be made in less time than starting from scratch or are expected to have minimal effect on treatment outcome
  • 2 Disagree - Major edits. This category indicates that the necessary edit is required to ensure correctness, and sufficiently significant that user would prefer to start from the scratch
  • 1 Strongly disagree - Unusable. This category indicates that the quality of the automatic annotations is so bad that they are unusable.

Zip File Folder Structure

Each zip file in the collection correlates to a specific segmentation task. The common folder structure is

  • ai-segmentations-dcm This directory contains the AI model predictions in DICOM-SEG format for all analyzed IDC collection files
  • qa-segmentations-dcm This directory contains manual corrected segmentation files, based on the AI prediction, in DICOM-SEG format. Only a fraction, ~10%, of the AI predictions were corrected. Corrections were performed by radiologist (rad*) and non-experts (ne*)
  • qa-results.csv CSV file linking the study/series UIDs with the ai segmentation file, radiologist corrected segmentation file, radiologist ratings of AI performance.



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Additional details


AIMI Annotations 75N91019D00024
National Cancer Institute


  • [1] Fedorov A, Longabaugh WJ, Pot D, Clunie DA, Pieper S, Aerts HJ, Homeyer A, Lewis R, Akbarzadeh A, Bontempi D, Clifford W. NCI imaging data commons. Cancer research. 2021 Aug 8;81(16):4188.
  • [2] Isensee, F., Jaeger, P. F., Kohl, S. A., Petersen, J., & Maier-Hein, K. H. (2021). nnU-Net: a self-configuring method for deep learning-based biomedical image segmentation. Nature methods, 18(2), 203-211.