Published July 11, 2024 | Version v1
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A Multi-Pollutant Emissions Inventory for Air Pollution Modeling and Supporting Information for Bishkek


Full paper is published here
Mapping PM2.5 Sources and Emission Management Options for Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan


Harsh winters, aging infrastructure and control technologies, and the increasing demand for urbanization and modernization of amenities are major factors contributing to the deteriorating air quality in Bishkek, the capital city of Kyrgyzstan and a burgeoning economic hub in Central Asia. The heating energy needs are met via combustion of coal at the central heating plant, heat only boilers, and in-situ heating equipment and the mobility needs via combustion of diesel and petrol. Other mapped sources contributing to daily air pollution levels in Bishkek’s airshed include 30 km2 of industrial area, 16 large open combustion brick kilns, a vehicle fleet with average age more than 10 years, 7.5 km2 of quarries, and one landfill. Annual PM2.5 emission load for the airshed is approximately 5,500 tons, resulting in an annual average concentration of 48 ug/m3, which is 9-10 times higher than the World Health Organization (WHO) guideline of 5 ug/m3. Wintertime daily averages range from 200-300 ug/m3. Proposed emissions management policies for the city include shift to clean fuels like gas and electricity at the heating plants and households, restricting the secondhand vehicle imports and incentivizing newer standard vehicles, promotion of public transport system with newer buses, at least doubling of the waste collection efficiency and landfill management capacity and encouraging greening and maintaining road infrastructure to control dust emissions. PM2.5 levels from mid- to long-term implementation of these options is expected to drop by 50-70%. A long-term plan for Bishkek must include an expansion of the ambient monitoring network using a combination of reference-grade and low-cost sensors to track progress of air quality management efforts and to support information dissemination for public awareness.

Files included here:

  1. Composite presentation of supporting information and analysis results
    File: Bishkek_AQ_Analysis_Composite.pptx
    This presentation includes summary images of
    • monitoring data
    • the GIS fields
    • google earth scans 
    • annual and monthly emissions
    • annual and monthly PM2.5 concentrations
    • annual and monthly source apportionment
  2. Meteorological data summary for the airshed, extracted from the WRF sumulations
    File: Bishkek_Met_Summary.pptx
    File: bishkek_meteorology_stats.xlsm (activate macros for stats and making images for final use)
  3. GIS files
    File: gis_bishkek-grids-pop.rar (shapefile and KML file for the airshed grid, csv file for gridded population 20 years, and images)
    File: gis_bishkek_roads.rar (shapefiles extracted from openstreetmaps)
    File: gis_bishkek_adm0.rar (shapefiles of administrative boundaries)
    File: gis_bishkek_multiplelayers.rar (as KML files - districts, townships, main_roads, water_bodies, quarries, landfill, industrial_areas)
  4. CAMx output (units is ug/m3)
    File: bishkek_camx_pm25_monthlyavg.csv (see the grid file for mapping)
  5. Gridded model-ready emissions inventory
    File: bishkek_gridded_emissions_2018.rar (see the grid file for mapping)
    Format: ix,iy,midlong,midlat,FPRM,CPRM,BC,OC,NO,NO2,CO,SO2
    Units: tons/grid/year
    PM2.5 emissions = FPRM + BC + OC
    PM10 emissions = FRPM + BC + OC + CPRM
    midlong and midlat are midpoints of grids - see gis_bishkek-grids-pop.rar
  6. Ambient monitoring data
    File: bishkek_monitoring_claritysensor_2021.xlsx
    File: bishkek_monitoring_us.embassy2019-2024.rar



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