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Published July 10, 2024 | Version v2
Dataset Open

Natsina/Modern_Greek_Literature: v1


This repository incliudes raw text data from interwar poets and prose writers. The repository includes the following:

  • Interwar_poetry: a zipped file containing interwar poetry categorized by date, author and collection, a zipped file with the collected works per author, and a zipped file with the collected works per author in tei compliant xml format
  • Interwar_prose: a zipped file containing interwar prose categorized by date, author and work and a zipped file with the works in tei compliant xml format

Dataset created by Anastasia Natsina.

Acknowledgements: We would like to thank E. Askordalaki, N. Vamporaki, N. Deligiannaki, S. Kapantaidaki, T. Katsougris, A. Koumleli, V. Kouvatsou, M. Lappa, A.M. Lenakaki, M. Mari, Th. Bitzilis, E. Nyktari, N-E. Pagonis, G. Papadakis, I. Parasyris, S. Tsinoglou for their valuable help in collecting these data. We also gratefully acknowledge funding of the European Commission under TALOS AI for SSH Grant agreement ID: 101087269.



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